He's innocent.

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          I got to my room picking out pajamas before going to the bathroom to shower and get ready to relax. I was sitting in my room smoking a cigarette while reading when I saw flashing red and blue lights pull up to the house. I was confused thinking something happened to Bertha next door, I got up to my door being shoved open almost coming off the hinges.

"Is that cannabis?" The cop called out

"It's just a cigarette, Smith." I yelled

I put my hands up, while he flashed the flashlight in my eyes.

"Can I put it out?" I asked

He nodded as I put it into the ashtray before he began to look through my things.

"Dad? They got a warrant?" I called out

"Let them look, stay put." He yelled

I stood against the wall watching him basically turn my entire room upside down. There was silence for a moment before I heard Keller called out, I quickly walked toward the living room not caring what Smith was saying to me. I saw my dad being handcuffed as Jackson was reading him his rights with a box sitting on the table holding the gun.

"Daddy?" I asked

"Salem." He said

"What are you doing, Keller? My father isn't a killer, you know that! Let him go, please Tom." I pleaded

"Salem, we gotta to take you down as well." Keller said

"What?" My dad called out

Smith placed a handcuff onto my wrist as he began to read me my rights. I stared at Keller as I heard my dad's muffle yelling in the background. I was pulled toward the door only dressed in a big t-shirt, sophie shorts and slippers. The rain was coming down pretty hard at this point, I was placed in the police car beside my father. I looked over at him, him giving me "the look". We sat in silence until we reached the station. That's when dad began yelling at Keller about me being innocent. My brain blocked everything out, just started going through the motions, I was completely numbed to the bone, all the voices were muffled.

"Let her out of this Keller, this is her final strike." Dad yelled

I looked over to him being pulled in the opposite direction from me.

"I love you, Salem Marie." Dad called out

"I love you too dad." I yelled back before being placed in an interrogation room

Now I had been sitting in that room alone for what felt like hours until Johnson walked in saying I was free to go.

Third Person

            Veronica, Archie and Betty were standing in front of Jughead, betrayal written across his face as Betty clung to him.

"You could have told me, you could've warned me about this." Jug said

"You were so excited, Jug. I didn't want to disappoint you." Betty explained

"So instead you lied , you all lied to me." Jughead spit

"There they are." Kevin called out

Alice, Mary, Fred, Hermione and Kevin ran toward the quad. Jughead went to turn away.

"No, you have to listen, all of you." Mary said

"My dad just told Mayor McCoy about you dad and sister, Jughead." Kevin explained

"What about them?" Jughead questioned

"Your dad was just arrested for the murder of Jason Blossom and your sister was brought in for questioning, they think she was an accomplice." Fred replied

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