The Truth.

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        Jughead walked into the Wyrm, he placed a flier on to the mirrored wall in front him.

"All right, order of the Ophidians." Jughead said
He turned looking at the group when it split down the middle, spotting the one woman he never thought he would see again.
"Jughead Jones. Did you really think you'd see the last of me?" Penny asked

Jughead's face went pale as his eyes scanned over the group spotting his father sitting beside Tall Boy and Salem standing right behind him, her face hardened.

"What's the Snake Charmer doing here?" Jughead asked

FP sat in the chair unable to look at his son after what he had just heard. Salem stood behind him, her face unmoved.

"Dad? Salem?" Jughead asked

"No, I brought her in, to help us." Tall Boy said
"We don't need Penny's kind of help." Jughead spat

"You don't get a say anymore. Since you broke Serpent Law and hurt one of our own kind. Penny was about to tell your dad. Show him, Penny. Show 'em all." Tall Boy said

Toni looked at Jughead, her face pained. Salem's eyes traveled from the back wall to the Snake Charmer, waiting to see the proof. Penny looked around the room before she pulled her sleeve up, slamming her arm on the table revealing a patch of healing skin. Salem's eyes squeezed shut, she scoffed as she shook her head.
"That used to be my Serpent tattoo, until your son sliced a chunk outta my arm and left me bleeding in a ditch in Greendale." Penny said
Salem and FP placed their faces in their hands. Salem's head rose out of her hands when she looked to her brother and their friends as several things finally connected the dots. She shakes her head, her eyes back on the blonde.

"But I'm still willing to help the Serpents. Tall Boy showed me those eviction notices. They're legit. Luckily, I can think of about forty one ways to stall the process and I'm talking years." Penny said

"What's your price, Penny?" FP asked

"Blood for Blood. An eye for an eye. I want back with the Serpents and I want him kicked out." Penny said

FP leaned back looking at the Snake Charmer, annoyed.
"Oh yeah, one last thing...I want his tattoo carved off and I want to do it myself with a dirty knife." Penny spat

"That's enough Peabody." Salem huffed
Salem walked over to stand in front of Penny, her face still turned downward.
"I'll make you lose more than a chunk of flesh." Salem said
FP now stood between his daughter and the Snake Charmer knowing this could get ugly.
"Oh Mamba, always there to save the day, but you can't take your brother's place this time. It's his cross to bear." Penny said

Everyone turned looking to the younger Jones, his eyes still trained on Penny.

          After an intense stare-off, the council called a meeting to see how to deal with the situation. Salem drove in the park spot, getting out of the car walking down toward Sweet's trailer. She opened the door, revealing him leaning against the counter.

"So what's gonna happen to Jughead? Are they kicking him out?" Sweets asked
Salem placed her things on the table, taking a seat.
"There's going to be a vote. Him vs Penny." She said

The two sat in silence as she opened the window, lighting a cigarette. Salem's eyes trained on the middle of the table, looking at her keychains.
"Did you help?" She asked
"What?" He asked confused
"Everything is making sense, you all disappeared the night before Christmas Eve. So am I only going to ask you once, did you help?" Salem asked
Sweet Pea looked at her, she held her head up with her hand as she still kept her eyes trained on the keys.

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