The Gauntlet

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           Salem and the Serpents walked up to the Jones' trailer, when she spotted a redhead standing before her brother.

"What do we have here?" Sweet Pea asked

"He's just leaving." Jughead replied

Salem looked over to see Archie staring at all of them, confused.

"Wait, you're friends with these thugs?" Archie asked

"It's not what you think." Jughead said turning to him

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" Salem asked

"Are you joining the Serpents?" Archie asked

"If he survives, go ahead and call us thugs one more time." Sweet Pea said walking towards the ginger

Salem stepped in front of the giant teen, grabbing his hand before turning back to Archie.

"Watch your mouth, Andrews. You ain't on your side of the tracks." Salem said

"Jughead, these are the guys that attacked me, who attacked Reggie and Veronica and Dilton, your friends." Archie said

"I got stabbed that night too and his so-called friends? Where are they?" Salem explained

"Wait? Is that why you're here? To warn me?" Jughead asked

"No, I came here to tell you to stay away from Betty. She doesn't want to see you anymore." Archie said

Salem looked at her little brother then to Sweet Pea and Fangs. She felt bad for my younger brother, he just got dumped via a friend. Salem stands there as smile forming, seeing the chaos brewing.

"Screw you, I just saw Betty yesterday, She- she was fine." Jughead said

"No dude, she's been wanting to break up with you for weeks. She's been agonizing over it, since you crossed over to the dark side, she couldn't bring herself to do it." Archie said

Salem could feel herself growing angrier by the second, they weren't bad people at all, just different side of the tracks.

"So she sent you? Betty would never do that." Jughead questioned

"If you don't believe me, call her and feel free to tell her you're a serpent now too, I bet she'll love that." Archie said getting in my brother's face

Salem stepped forward when a hand grabbed hers pulling back, she looked at Sweet Pea, he shook his head no at her before letting her arm go. Salem sighed, crossing her arms over her chest, pissed.

"She saw where you were heading, Jughead okay, we all did and she knows you can't be with them and with her and come on man, you know it too." Archie said

There was silence for a few moments. Salem began walking away when her brother's voice echoed.

"Tell Betty I got the message." Jughead said in a slightly angered voice

Salem turned, smiling at her younger sibling.

"Well this just got interesting." Salem laughed

"Yeah." Archie said before walking off

The group stood there as Archie left, She looked back over to Jughead who just stood there, almost stunned. He turned back looking at all of them standing there, anger written across his face.

"What? Enjoy the show?" Jughead yelled

Salem stood at the front of the group, staring at him.

"The show hasn't even started yet." Sweet Pea stated

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