Save yourself, Jug.

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I was sitting next to Fangs at the bar when I got a call from my dad.

"Hey, I gotta take this." I said

I got up walking out of his trailer answering the call.


"Hey, we have a problem."

"What now?" I asked

"Your brother and his girlfriend are snooping, I got someone telling me they're on their way to see if the car is there." Dad replied

"What do you need me to grab?" I asked

"Grab what you think, then torch it." Dad said

"Got it boss, I'll be on my way. Keep me updated." I said hanging up

I walked back in to see Fangs and Sweets playing a video game now.

"Hey Dad needs me, I'll see you guys later." I said

Fangs ran to the bathroom as Sweets followed behind me pulling me into his chest. He pulled me in and gave me a kiss.

"I don't think Julia would like that." I said pushing him

"Why would she care? We aren't together?" He asked

"We aren't together." I said pointing at each other

"But we're us." He said

"Sweets, I don't have time for this conversation. I gotta go." I said opening the trailer running to my truck two trailers down

    I walked through the forest during a torrential downpour, getting texts from pops telling me that they just arrived at the car. I reached the end of the forest seeing lights up ahead, I stood there in the shadows watching as Betty and Jughead walked toward the tarp. They revealed the hood underneath walking toward the trunk. Jughead needs to stop touching the car, they are going to peg him for it. Jughead opened the trunk propping it open with something as they started looking through the contents of the car.

"What are those?" Betty asked

"Drugs, Betty." Jughead said

They stopped

"Wait! Jughead put it down! This is evidence. This is all evidence." Betty said

"Crap. This whole car is a crime scene." Jughead said

"We need to get Sheriff Keller and then we need to get Polly." Betty said

The two took off, I waited for about five to ten minutes before I walked over to the car, grabbing what I needed, then began pouring gasoline in and on the car. I took a match throwing it onto the car walking back into the forest from where I came from. I was walking back through the streets of the Southside, smoking. I sent the done text to my dad holding the bag trying to get back to the trailer quickly. I finally entered the home, clutching the bag, seeing my dad on the couch holding his beer.

"You got it?" He asked

"Yeah. Yeah I got it." I said pulling Jason Blossoms varsity jacket out of the duffle bag

I walked to the fridge pulling a beer out throwing the duffle on the floor beside the couch

"Are you okay?" He asked as i sat in the recliner

"Not the first time I've torched a car, probably not the last." I said drinking from my beer

"No, I mean in general." He asked

"I'm fine, pops." I smiled

I was sitting in school when I saw Fred Andrews name on my phone, I got up out of class walking toward the exit.

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