Prologue (5)

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Raynare surprisingly felt very good.

She was running through a big, big rainbow.

And beneath the rainbow, white lambs were frolicking.

Raynare frowned a little as there was something strange to the lambs. No, actually the lambs were white only in relation to their fur, as each of the lambs had a human head covered in brown hair, and each of the lambs was bleating "Yoo-yoo-yuma..."

"Ha ha, what a silly name, Yuuma." Raynare paid no attention to the bleating lambs as she continued to run down the rainbow. "Ha ha, how good... "

Also, a little further along the rainbow on the sides lay the slain Red Dragon Emperor, and Raynare ran on, knowing that no one could have killed the Welsh Dragon. What a silly dream!

And at the end of the rainbow stood Him.

"Father-e-e!" Raynare ran across the rainbow toward Father, who, for some reason, this time took the form of a middle-aged Japanese man. But Yuma knew for sure that it was Father, she still remembered when Father took the form of a burning bush after all! Taking the form of a middle-aged Japanese man were incomparably normal.

"Father, I had a strange dream, as if You had returned! Back after You died!"

"Umu." Father simply nodded gravely at Raynare's words, then held out his hand to her.

"Wake up."

"But Father, I just woke up from a strange dream in which you just waved your hand and killed the Red Dragon Emperor!" Raynare smiled at her Father. "I am not dreaming!"

"Umu, I see" Father uttered something as he nodded slightly, as if to confirm his words, coming to a final conclusion. "[Awaken]."

Raynare opened her eyes abruptly, the beautiful large rainbow she had been running on, and the multitude of Issei lambs vanished immediately before her eyes... Unlike Father in the body of a middle-aged Japanese man and the dead body of the Red Dragon Emperor beside her.

Raynare blinked, shifted her gaze from the dragon to Father, then back, then closed her eyes, feeling her feet begin to run on the big beautiful rainbow again.

"[Awaken]." A rainbow that immediately dissipated and Raynare opened her eyes again, looking at the Father and the dead dragon... Raynare wondered for a second, could she now pretend to be mute? Mentally retarded maybe? She was ready right now to start pissing in her pants... Um, in her skirt, if it could save her from Father's wrath.

Then her memories helpfully suggested to Raynare that she had communicated with Father before. He had appeared out of nowhere right in front of her as she had struck Issei, used some ability that made Raynare unable to even move, then she found herself in an obscure stone room. And then she suddenly realized that Father was her best and closest friend, and Raynare no longer remembered when she had any friends in the past, then he asked her to leave and wait in the corridor...

And then the room that Father and this guy, Issei, were in literally exploded from the inside, a large piece of stone crashed into Raynare's head, and she lost consciousness. Thankfully her concussion only lasted for a few seconds, thanks to her fallen angel nature she woke up just seconds later to see... To see the fucking Red Dragon Emperor spinning around attacking something unseen, bleeding from the huge incisions that ran through his entire body, seemingly even separating parts of him. Making her come to the conclusion that she was dreaming, and that her concussion was more severe than she first thought.

Then the middle-aged Japanese man she had seen moments before, who had suddenly become her 'dear and close friend', and had ceased to be after she had lost consciousness, held up his hand and Raynare heard a resounding bell ring. And the Red Dragon Emperor, or Emperor of Red Dragons, Raynare did not remember what was correct, rolled his eyes and collapsed to the ground dead.

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