Overlord of a High School (20)

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As both Katase and him walked the streets of Kuoh, with Katase leading the way to the church, Momonga looked at the girl with some confusion. 'What's wrong? Why is she acting so strangely?'

After classes were over, Momonga found Katase waiting for him, luckily not with an ambush. As it turned out, he hadn't stepped into the trap of an unknown opponent meeting the girl, as Pandora's Actor had informed him, Katase and Murayama together were both mere humans... Either that or they were the most perfect and powerful adversaries, perfectly prepared to infiltrate human society in a way that Momonga had no way of determining, which didn't help his paranoia settle.

Still, Momonga had to discard this possibility, because entertaining it he would have to start suspecting every stone by the wayside as a source of immense danger. In which case, all he would achieve was to cower on all corners and endlessly ponder the potential enemy's plans, knowing that this enemy was so perfect that Momonga had no chance of defeating him. That way lies madness, and if he was human, a nice padded white cell.

Sure, when Momonga planned a battle or just contingencies he always prepared at least several strategies and plans, all depending on how the enemy would act or which situation he could've found himself in. It was a time spent methodically preparing his equipment or a specific battle tactic, but there was a limit by which Momonga would stop in his planning, say, after ten or twenty backup plans.

So most likely Katase and Murayama were just plain ordinary people, and Momonga himself could relax, at least on that point.

True, Momonga's meeting with Katase, were almost perfectly created to elicit the most suspicion in a situation as it could. All the times Momonga talked, when Momonga just tried to have a normal meaningless chatter to waste time and break the silence, Katase would immediately begin to pale, blush and look at unknown things in random directions. Actions which only caused Momonga more confusion.

'Maybe she just doesn't like me and is uncomfortable with me?' Momonga was not that surprised by such a possibility, he lacks social skills to say the least, and the both of them have very little things in common, so it's to be expected.

'Umu, after all, though she was the one who made me an offer of a favor, I did take advantage of it and now Katase has to walk me to church... Hmm, it's a little unpleasant that Katase is reacting this way to me taking advantage of her offer, but then again, it's not important, she is just acting as a guide for the moment. If she's really this uncomfortable with me, there's no need to interact with her further in the future.'

"Are you... Do you like music?" Katase asked a completely random and contextless question, something which made Momonga think for a moment about why exactly Katase wanted to know that, before shrugging his shoulders and answering honestly. There's really no tactical advantage or disadvantage in knowing his choice in music.

"Not particularly. I mean, I don't really listen to a lot of music, more often than not, it just distracts me from what I'm doing..."

Momonga remembered the BGM from YGGDRASIL and involuntarily cringed at the memory. 'Sure, just give those shitty devs a chance to prank the Players... Those damn devs, they put BGM in the game, and it wasn't even bad, but they put it in such a way that it distracted from what was going on! I was lucky, I was usually in the middle or behind the main party, but the scouts in YGGDRASIL, like Nishikienrai, who had to listen to it constantly, the music drowning out the steps of a potential enemy... No, sometimes the music did complement the scenery, like when looking at some soaring castle or at a royal meeting, but there is a time and place for everything!'

"I see..." Katase answered a little vaguely, and then she asked something again. "So you've never gone to concerts?"

"No, I never had enough money for that." Momonga answered easily, even the virtual concerts' tickets were quite expensive, and considering that he spent almost all his spare money on YGGDRASIL, and wasn't a big music fan, he never attended those. Not to mention the live performances? He probably has to fork over a half year's pay for that. First, Momonga had to go to the arcology where the concert is held, and that trip alone would cost as much as his monthly expenses for YGGDRASIL. Never mind getting the permission to visit the arcology in the first place, and then there's the cost of the ticket.

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