Overlord of a High School (18)

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Taking the first step out of the [Gate], Momonga was not knocked down a moment later, and did not fly into the back of an ambush of the Special Forces. Generally, nothing incredible to indicate that the Pandora Actor had somehow done something ill-advised while Momonga was distracted. "Umu, things seem to be looking up already. Hmm, it's amazing how your expectations lower, once you run into trouble a few times..."

Momonga moved himself into his room, Gorou's previous office, to be more precise, a room that he had sort of turned into his personal room, then looked around as he sniffed, catching a familiar scent. "Hmm, that smells good!"

Momonga wondered about that fact for a moment – the smell of food cooking must also mean that there was someone cooking, the identity of which Momonga couldn't guess. "I hope that Pandora's Actor hasn't taken the form of another Player, or worse a random person he picked from the street... Or I guess it's pointless trying to hide it from Miki anymore? I wonder where Miki is at this time, the last time I saw her she wasn't looking so good. I hope she's not lying tied up next to Pandora's Actor, otherwise I'd have a hard time having breakfast... I hope Pandora's Actor hasn't left her unattended in violation of my instructions. Hmm, wait, there's no point in me eating, so why would Pandora's Actor cook food for me at all?"

Momonga dropped these idle thoughts after a few seconds, deciding, as he did with the Demon problem, to deal with one issue at a time. After all, the mystery would easily be solved just by simply walking down to the kitchen instead of theorizing.

As one might expect, outside those doors, the smell of food only grew stronger, causing Momonga to feel his mouth producing an excess amount of saliva. "The reflex reactions of my created body do reflect my condition... Although, after copious bout of sex and all the previous experiments, I can just assume that my body is fully alive and shows the same behavior as a normal human body. Though, how it interacts with my undead features, like infinite endurance, I have no idea."

Remembering how he had used that infinite stamina, Momonga had to fight back a blush and his body's natural reaction. He simply has no time to indulge in his newfound carnal desires.

"I wonder if I can create my body as a modified human? I mean, I created a body out of fire, if I create a body from YGGDRASIL or some of the more genetically modified humans in my past world, would they work, or would they also fall under [Racial Skills]? But if I copied the body modifications of the past world, that shouldn't count as [Racial Skills]. Then again, it's not like I remember much about that... No, I'm getting too distracted by extraneous considerations again, I should quickly get something to eat and go to school!"

Descending the stairs to the first floor, Momonga sucked in air again to enjoy the smells before making his way to the kitchen and peering down the aisle... Finding his gaze on a much more lively Miki, who had finished making some kind of rice dish, which, upon noticing Momonga, instantly smiled some strange smile. The only word to describe the smile, after some thinking, was 'spirited' or, perhaps, 'enlightened'.

It's a strange expression nonetheless.

As Momonga drew nearer to her, Miki instantly dropped to one knee, a movement that is very reminiscent of the Floor Guardians. The similarity almost made Momonga recoil, glad for the suppression of emotion that saved him from an even more extreme reaction in the form of a shocked open mouth and falling backwards, tripping over his feet.

"Lord Momonga! This lowly one greets you!" Momonga even allowed for a moment the thought that the Pandora Actor had taken Miki's form and thus solved the problem of Miki's behavior by binding the real Miki and placing her somewhere in his room. But a moment later Momonga found Pandora's Actor, still in Issei's form, crouching down on one knee next to Miki, looking at her with an approving gaze, before returning his full attention to Momonga.

Overlord of Biblical proportionsWhere stories live. Discover now