Overlord of a High School (8)

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Raynare opened her eyes, feeling her consciousness, which had escaped her several times from what she had seen in the past, remotely and even peacefully noting her current surroundings.

Raynare was covered by a warm and, with just one touch, she could determine to be high-quality blankets and that she was laying on a soft bed... That is, she was practically frozen to the bed, that is also frozen to the floor, which in turn was encased in a thick crust of bluish transparent ice.

The walls around Raynare were a similar picture. It was difficult to make out what they were made of and what they really looked like, given that they were completely frozen over, along with the pictures and flags hung on the walls.

The windows to Raynare's room were the same picture, but there was no way to look through them, given that they were at a height at which Raynare could not look through them. In theory, Raynare could have used her wings, but it was hardly worth it at the moment.

Other than the fact that the room was spacious and comfortable enough, though frozen through, and filled with various furniture and pleasing to the eye interior, the door leading outside were made of thick steel. And seeing that there's no door knob, or any way to open the door that she can spot, Raynare was, at the moment, in nothing less than in a strange dungeon.

It was cold in the room, but lying under the blanket, Raynare did not feel much discomfort, rather even enjoying the strange pleasure of warmth and coolness at the same time. But if she climbed out from under the blanket, or worse gotten off her bed completely, she had no doubt that she would have been frozen to the bone moments later. It was a very interesting way to make a dungeon to keep prisoners, and as a Fallen Angel, that really meant something.

So, with nothing else to do, she chose to remain silently in her place, keeping warm even in the current conditions, against all common sense. She really needed to start finding ways to escape, but the revelations she had just come to made such a thing a far second in her list of priorities.

"So, I'm imprisoned in some icy place... Ha, I don't remember any such place in Heaven, so let's take as a working assumption for now that I wasn't going to be taken to the executioners. Wait, am I in Cocytus? Am I in the Underworld right now? Ha, I don't know, at least I'm still alive – which in the current conditions, is not half-bad." Raynare almost smiled at how little the Fallen Angels really needed to be happy, it turned out.

Or maybe the previous near-death experiences have just fried her brains, she couldn't really tell – if nothing else, she's definitely in shock. But considering what she has just learned, could anyone blame her?

"Father is back." Raynare remarked emotionlessly as she slowly exhaled. "What to do about it now?"

The Father of almost all angels, and most of the fallen ones, excluding those born naturally, and the ancestor of all demons who descended from Lilith and Lucifer. The one whom others have called the Biblical God. A legendary figure – in the sense that he was indeed the hero of legends and mythologies, and in the sense that in the past, Father stood out even from other legends.

By many, Father was considered one of, if not the most powerful of all the Gods in the world, and they're right. He's one of the most powerful beings in the world, capable of warding off even the Great Red and Ophis from his domain. Wise, loving, especially of humanity, He's the Great Creator, it was He who created [Heaven's System] with His powers, which became His main trump card against the other pantheons.

Where the other gods had to perform miracles using proxies by sending their heroes, powers or artifacts, Father created a self-sustaining system that allowed humans themselves to take his power to create miracles. His Graces made humans, which were the weakest of creatures with no actual powers, into nightmares to the unprepared – which Rayanre had to admit she's one.

Overlord of Biblical proportionsWhere stories live. Discover now