Overlord of a High School (7)

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Miki felt horrible – not only in regard to her morale, her nightmares made sure of that, but also physically. Probably from the copious amount of alcohol she just drank before blacking out.

Miki had never known how to drink – and so she never actually measured her alcohol tolerance. Then again, even if she did know it, she doubts that she would have cared.

When her desire to drink herself into oblivion outweighed her attitude toward alcohol, she had failed to keep her measure. She had drunk to the point where her body had stopped stumbling, now unable to move completely, and instead her thoughts began to stutter, scattering to the winds, disappearing and looping in whimsical patterns of their own volition.

Miki knew that she probably should have been dead due to alcohol poisoning – she definitely didn't care one whit to pace herself or how much she drank. She had even switched to any leftover alcohol she could find in the cupboard and the fridge. No leftover sake and tequila were safe!

She remembered some of the alcohol being some half-forgotten gifts from Gorou's semi-familiar colleagues. But amazingly, Miki was still, if not exactly very lucid, alive – something remarkable considering the ludicrous amount of spirits she had drank.

"Ha ha, apparently snacks do help!" Miki couldn't even smile at this silly nonsensical joke, her hangover brain incapable of following through, instead dragging off some incomplete thought from the dregs of her mind.

"I'll have to get a new one... to replace it." Miki didn't even remember nor understand what she's talking about. Not what she needed to replace, or even what exactly she was supposed to pick up... or buy? Or what she was even talking about, or not talking about...

"What's it called again...? Ha, thinking is too hard... Thinking, right, the word she was looking for... What was she thinking about again?"

Miki could feel herself slowly beginning to approach the point where she would not just lose her rationality, but lose her consciousness, falling to the ground. After which she would begin to vomit – ha, maybe she would choke and just die...

"Maybe that's what I wanted?" Miki felt her thoughts, memories, and random thoughts breaking through the veil of her mind. "Gorou... why did you do it? Or was it my fault? Maybe it was my fault... Maybe, something... I don't know."

Miki tried to feel her surroundings before realizing that her head was resting on something soft, a little cool. She was laying down on the sofa in the living room.

Through the shroud of thoughts dragging like slush, some memories broke through – images of sensations at the back of her mind. The sofa in the living room, opposite the television, the cold upholstery, the leather substitute, the chore of cleaning, the expensive dry-cleaning services, the smell of cleaning products, and the disappointed sigh of finding a new stain.

Her thoughts and memories tangled with each other, interrupting each other, disintegrating into single meaningless fragments. The tangled thoughts and memories made her doubt what was real and what is simply her imagination, gathering into a general line that seemed to stretch into nothingness. Without a guiding post that could ground her – with her previous life turning out to be nothing more than lies, Miki realized that she was hopelessly lost in this mire...

"Mom?" A very familiar voice, and yet now sounding so alien, broke through Miki's stupor, causing her to turn her gaze.

"Is..." Miki remembered the name, blurted it out with familiarity, but could find no more strength than a single movement of her lips. She could not stand to see his face right now. "Get out... Issei, I don't want to see you."

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