Overlord of a High School (15)

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It existed in nothingness, unaware of either existence or even the phenomenon of nothingness. But existence itself required awareness of nothingness, so after moments of meaningless existence, it ceased to exist.

First, it existed without existing. Then it ceased to exist.

A nothing with no meaning, no consciousness, no role.

Then it felt the possibility of existence.

It felt the possibility, but it did not understand the meaning.

It could have not existed, or it could have existed – it did not know the difference. There's no desire for either, for it could not desire without being conscious of anything, including the absence of anything and emptiness.

It had no consciousness, so it could not decide. And even if it did, it did not know that there was a choice in the first place, nor did it know which choice was preferable. It cannot choose, for there is no choice.

The touch of existence brought a thought. Someone wanted it to exist. It had to exist because someone decided so.

It obeyed, and it was created, existing once again. By whom it couldn't tell, nor does it matter.

It now exists, and it can learn all that later.

Miki opened her eyes, letting the picture captured by her eyes imprint itself on her retina.

She felt a little dizzy, as if she was hungover, her eyes were seeing doubles and her body seemed bereft of all power, but Miki was instantly able to figure out what she was seeing.

The Supreme Being, her adopted son, Satoru Suzuki, was leaning over her, looking at her intently. There was only a detached, friendly politeness in the surface of his eyes, but Miki's eyes could not penetrate beyond their depths. Miki was aware that beneath Satoru Suzuki's polite facade there was more, something immeasurably greater, frightening and alluring, like the cold vastness of space beyond all known stars, chaos full of emptiness, horror and mystery.

Like a chick appearing for the first time in the world, instantly imprinting on the first vision she saw before her. Miki, whose mind had been shattered before, before returning into this completely empty, not yet capable of independent thought, sealed the new, first-seen discovery, the face of Satoru Suzuki, the Supreme Being, in her mind.

"Miki?" Satoru looked at her without changing his expression. "How are you feeling? Are you alright?"

Miki thought about it for half a moment before answering. "I don't know."

Miki didn't know how she should feel. Was it right for her to feel pain? Should she have been hungry? Was it normal to feel hate, or is it inappropriate? What was 'alright' in this case? Did it all make sense, should the Supreme Being even know about her condition, maybe it already did, and it was a test for Miki?

Miki's empty mind foamed with questions, demanding answers, and at the same time not understanding whether it should have demanded answers, or how to determine what was an 'answer'? Without anything to draw upon, her expression returned to a neutral, empty one.

"Umu, I see." The Supreme Being, Satoru Suzuki, nodded, before walking away from Miki, and without Satoru taking over all she could see, she now noted the other person in the room. "Issei... No, Pandora's Actor, I suppose it is no longer necessary to hide it, watch out for Miki. I'll be back in a couple of hours, I suppose."

"Yes, mein Vater!" Miki's gaze caught the figure of Issei Hyoudou, or more specifically, the creature that had taken his form, saluting, but the thought evoked no emotion in Miki. Miki did not know what emotion it was supposed to evoke. She didn't know what 'emotion' is.

Overlord of Biblical proportionsWhere stories live. Discover now