Overlord of a High School (9)

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Demiurge was proud of his intelligence, his magnificent self-control and his ability to remain cool at all times. Just as every other creature of the Supreme Beings was proud of what they were, created as they are by the will of Forty-One. Even so, Demiurge understood that he was no more than a child, building his sandcastles before the gaze of the Forty-One. Supreme Beings who determined the fates of gods and worlds, and their Leader, Momonga, the one to whom even his Creator, Lord Ulbert Alain Odle, acknowledged, stood at their summit, honored and obeyed even by the other Supreme Beings.

Though Demiurge remained loyal above all things to his Creator, and no factor could have affected that, and truly believed that his Creator embodied evil and hatred above even Lord Momonga himself. He could not fail to recognize that Lord Momonga, by right of intellect, strength, and charisma, was the first amongst them all.

Every action of His led to the realization of countless schemes, every coincidence made sense, and every acting actor was but a pawn in His great game in which the fates of nations and people were decided. Which at any moment could be thrown off the board as having played their part as entertainers, enemies and allies.

So when Lord Momonga uttered the words that the Great Tomb of Nazarick was now beyond its limits in the swamps of Helheim. Demiurge realized that another of Lord Momonga's countless plans, which no one but other Supreme Beings could comprehend in its entirety, had been brought to fruition.

Demiurge did not believe that the Great Tomb of Nazarick had no role in this world, that Lord Momonga who had come to this world, had no plan of His own. Except of course when the lack of a plan was part of his Lord's even more powerful, ingenious and incomprehensible plan.

However, as a faithful apprentice and servant, he dared not ask his Lord for instructions when He had already given each of them exactly as much information as was needed to understand their role. His role was not only to be an endlessly needy fool incapable of doing anything – Demiurge refuses to be so useless – he could not imagine being so useless

If Demiurge would not ask for directions, but still be capable of understanding Lord Momonga's will on his own. If he was capable of executing orders on his own, solving problems along the way. If he were useful in his Lord's actions and grand plans, serving, if necessary, as his chief commander or as a suitable victim of His...

Perhaps Lord Momonga will not leave the Great Tomb of Nazarick?

The inhabitants of the Great Tomb considered it the greatest honor and the highest reward to die for the Forty-One Supreme Being. But the greatest, most damning, existential terror in their minds was only one apprehension...

To allow their Creator to leave them.

To allow that cursed moment when they would no longer have anyone to swear allegiance to. When the Great Tomb truly becomes a tomb... Just imagining it caused Demiurge to shake uncontrollably and for a great phantom pain to pierce his heart.

Something like that must not be allowed to pass!

So, Demiurge chose his step, his path carefully as he headed for the Fallen Angel Raynare, who had been captured earlier the moment his invisible guards informed him that she had come to her senses and awakened.

Aura's words about what had happened earlier, about their encounter with Raynare, and what Lord Momonga had said, resounded in Demiurge's mind. The seemingly random words creating a single, new vision that shed light on the plans of his great and inscrutable Lord. And, at the same time, lifted part of the veil of mystery to Demiurge, forcing him to act, allowing him to see with his own strength exactly where his great Lord's gaze was now fixed upon.

Overlord of Biblical proportionsWhere stories live. Discover now