Overlord of a High School (26)

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Despite the fact that Momonga could take down the annoying guy who was bothering him during lunch break with a single spell, or even a single punch, he had managed to 'win' Momonga over with his explanation. He even acceded to the demand that he promise to meet him after school, and tell this Genshiro all about how he had been recognized as a 'full member of society' by the court. That is about his 'emancipation', a lie that he had created so that Miki and the school wouldn't question him so much about his background.

If only Momonga had known the vortex into which his lies about his status would drag him, Momonga would have been better off just agreeing to Miki's adoption! He only 'agreed' to tell Genshiro about it since Murayama and Katase were there, and he had to get rid of him quickly, before he got questioned more.

Anyway, regrets late, now he had to figure out what could he would say about his actions in this case. Other than that, he had tampered with his own documents and made an oversight in them, a small notation that accidentally and effectively ruined his life?! He wasn't even sure exactly how to spell the word, 'emancipation' without thinking about it for a time, let alone the legal terms for how the procedure even takes place!

He especially wasn't confident in his ability to create a realistic and convincing lie on the fly regarding his history with the phenomenon!

In addition, when Momonga did finally fend off Genshiro's pesky attempts to inquire on the spot about Momonga's status, he was too late, Katase and Murayama, were also now interested in such an 'unusual' background. It forced Momonga to use almost his entire arsenal of prepared phrases that took him as far away from the subject as possible.

"That's not the most interesting story, I'm much more interested in the kendo club's practices..." Only to stumble into something that he also preferred to keep on the down low, judging by Katase's sudden worried expression.

To Momonga's dismay, this phrase made Katase remember that he had supposedly gone to an abandoned church to fight in underground fights. An attempt to distract from this topic turned to the subject of him kissing Katase. And in Katase's attempt to fend off Murayama, who was peering at her with a sly look, paralyzed with embarrassment, Katase came up with the story that Momonga was supposedly being watched by some unknown woman.

A woman most likely sent by demons... How could one simple lie lead to so many stressful situations!?

As he fought off the girls' attempts to find out about his 'past relationships', thankfully Katase and Murayama had no idea how strange and confusing his history of current relationships was. And it's not like he can talk about them, and yet he had never had a 'past' relationship in his life to speak off, and yet the pressure kept on coming. Momonga almost snapped as he tried to come up with a safe topic to talk about, almost deciding to show the girls magic.

Well, thanks to his undead mind and suppression of emotions, Momonga didn't snap in a burst of frustrated desperation. It was just that even his rational mind at some point informed Momonga that in the current situation, revealing magic was far preferable to endlessly trying to fend off the girls' inquiries.

Which surprisingly managed to pull him deeper and deeper into the maelstrom of those inquiries, despite his attempts to deflect.

Fortunately, the bell ringing, signaling the end of the lunch break, saved him from the barrage of questions from Murayama and Katase. Katase was mostly switching between blushing when they were asking personal questions about his past relationship, and how far he had gotten with them. And paling when his 'tragic' background was used to deflect the questions, only managing to control herself at the very end and say.

"See you after school... Satoru." With one last shy wave, Katase followed after Murayama back to their class.

Holding himself back from using some form of teleportation to escape, Momonga quickly walked back towards his classroom, a fate that almost made Momonga thought that the questioning was preferable. It was the same brain-killing boredom as the first half of the class. Only his emotion suppression, which had long ago demonstrated that it's the most useful of all his power, saved him from casting Super-Tier magic to escape this hell.

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