Overlord of a High School (4)

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Miki paused for a moment before giving herself a huge mental slap. 'Miki, you're a stuffed-up, brainless fool! He just lost his mother just days ago – and you decided to just go ahead and suggest that he call you 'mother'?! Just because he took care of you and Issei reminded you of Gorou's behavior?! You have no brains at all in your head, Miki! You're an idiot!'

"Umu," Satoru then looked at Miki as if he was thinking for a second, most likely from shock, as if to assess her, but before Miki could apologize for her outburst, he only nodded slightly,

"Okay, Mom..."

Miki blinked, as if trying to settle the words she heard in her head before nodding briefly, feeling uncomfortable with both her own actions and Satoru's reaction for agreeing to her proposal so easily. Though, along with that came some joy at Satoru agreeing and calling her 'mother', and the realization that it was not okay to easily call someone mother after your own mother died just recently. Perhaps it was simply his way of dealing with the shock? Or was he actually not that close with his mother?

Miki lowered her gaze, unable to meet Satoru's gaze, then moved forward, making her way to the main building of Kuoh Academy.

'Although, I don't know how his mother died and how he feels about it...' The thought of Mai Suzuki, Gorou's mistress, sparked deep anger in Miki's soul that clashed simultaneously with her empathy for Satoru, causing her mind to freeze in indecision. She hated Mai Suzuki as her husband's mistress... Ex-husband if she can help it.

At the same time, she sympathized with Satoru for losing his mother. Satoru seemed to her a really kind, wonderful, caring young man, and Miki deeply felt sorry for his loss – but she could not let go of her hatred either. The dueling sentiments froze her in indecision, as if someone had stretched her mind into a single thin line and was now pulling at it from both sides, making Miki unsure of how to feel.

'Ha, but if he did call me mother... Was Mai abusive?' Miki thought for a moment, and she could see the chain of logic forming.

'And well if you think about it, emancipation is very rare – so, the 'why' he decided to take such an opportunity... No one seeks to become an adult early for nothing – and such recognition requires a court order that requires Satoru to be able to prove that he is capable of behaving as an independent member of society. And along with that driver's license... it didn't paint a pretty picture.'

Miki then paled slightly, remembering exactly how Satoru drove the car.

No, judging by the fact that he managed to get to Kuoh Academy in record time and without a single accident at that speed, he was indeed a first-class driver – but at the same time... He was, simply put, a death hazard on the road as he demonstrated driving skills that an ordinary person could not even dream of, at the same time disregarding all possible traffic rules... Probably, Miki couldn't really tell.

She was squeezed into the seat moments after Satoru got behind the wheel, and so she wasn't sure if he had broken any other traffic rules other than the speed limit. All the while, she was trying to figure out if she was dead already – the flashing lights she could only see rushing toward her – really, looked like light at the end of the tunnel.

At the very least, she did feel as if her soul were leaving her body, so the comparison seemed very apt to her.

Still, the very fact that he could drive, albeit in obvious violation of speeding rules, meant that was how he learned how to do it. And, as Miki was still alive, even after such a drive, then he had been practicing that way for a very long time.

Which meant that he had gotten his driver's license a long time ago – again, it doesn't paint a pretty picture.

It takes people years to learn even to drive at ordinary speeds in the not very busy Kuoh traffic. Even if Satoru was a genius chef and a genius driver at the same time, the kind that are born once in a generation and become legends, it would still take him years to learn to drive like that.

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