Overlord of a High School (11)

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Momonga walked toward the academy as routine, or as routine as one day of doing it, anyway. More specifically, toward the gate separating the academy grounds and the outside world, trying to internally prepare himself for another useless day of grind. In this case, grind his knowledge.

'Hah, maybe I could ask Pandora's Actor to study carefully in school, and then just make him give me everything he learned in one go? No, that's a bad idea. If I do it that way, he'll immediately have questions about why I don't know such basic things – and I can't admit that I only went to elementary school. Not to mention that Nazarick might not know what elementary school is... Or, even worse, Actor might imagine something incredible and teach me some esoteric things instead, forgetting to mention something important because he thinks it's obvious.

Ha, the problem of my subordinates being so much smarter than me, all because I once thought that making Pandora's Actor a 'super genius' was 'cool'. Am I now suffering, just because, for once, I wasn't able to not keep my chuunibyou syndrome under control!?'

Momonga almost raised his fist to the sky and screamed his frustrations, but the suppression of emotion kicked in exactly the moment he approached the school gate, and exactly the moment a stranger's female voice invaded his thoughts.

"Halt evildoer! You shall not pass!" Momonga's entire train of thought suffered a catastrophic crash upon hearing such chuuni exclamations. Then, like a wooden doll, he turned his gaze and found a short girl in pink clothing that could not be called other than 'cute' or 'evoking cute' blocking his path to school. The girl wore a pink top and skirt and beret ensemble that looked like a very expensive, and yet tastefully cute dress. That, along with the girl's overall height and her hair, fashioned into two ponytails descending from the sides of her head, instantly made Momonga think of a mahou-shoujo.

A thought that was only reinforced a moment later when Momonga also noticed the staff in the girl's hands pointed in his direction. It was a white staff with a golden star on top surrounded by a ring, and two small bat-like leathery wings just below the ringed star.

The girl lifted her staff and struck it to the ground, completing her pose, then with a determined but still cute expression turned her gaze to Momonga.

Momonga was instantly ready to attack this unknown potential danger. '[Silent magic: Life Essence], [Silent magic: Mana Essence].'

Momonga's gaze immediately changed – contrary to his expectations, the flame that appeared before him was only suitable for the first level, before his [Arcane Sight] broke through the illusion and spells like [False Data: Life] and [False Data: Mana]. The illusion the girl hid her true capabilities under quickly gave up under the onslaught of his abilities.

'Oh, surprisingly strong being for this local world, at least so far, complacency kills and all that. I would say... hmm, she's about equal to a level seventy mage? Her staff is enchanted, as are all her clothes, though I can't really tell their ranks... At the seventieth level, a mage already has tenth tier magic, so she may well sense my use of [All Magic Item Appraisal], not to mention the possible passive protection from surveillance... Okay, the correct thing to do here would be to start preparing for any possible attack and find out exactly who she is.'

The girl, clearly not expecting Momonga to actually stop after her commands and the 'menacing' stomp of her staff, blinked in confusion, before the previously 'menacing' expression on her face disappeared. Almost immediately after, Momonga had to force himself to remain alert, as the girl devolved into a childish tantrum.

"No, no, not like that, that's not how you're supposed to respond at all! After I proclaimed my command, you were supposed to start walking slowly and inexorably toward me, so I could copy the scene further. Don't you have any respect for the feelings of magical girls at all?!"

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