Overlord of a High School (13)

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Momonga rose from the table before pausing for a moment as his instinct warred with his usual behavior. His body couldn't get tired, and sitting in one place definitely wouldn't cause any exhaustion to him, thanks to his undead nature. But, the remnants of his human emotions and feelings, seemed to be urging him to reach out his hands and stretch his stiff limbs a bit.

Deciding to satisfy his body's desires for once, Momonga stretched his body, then felt that strange pleasurable feeling he had sometimes felt in the past under similar conditions, before nodding internally. 'Half the pleasure of such action is simply mentally, not physiological, so it makes sense that I am able to take joy in such things.'

A moment later, Momonga shifted his gaze to the rest of his class, also beginning to stand up from their desk after the bell sounded, looking thoughtfully. 'I can't say that I knew my colleagues all that well in my past life, but usually, after a new employee showed up, the others at least once introduced themselves back. Many even come up to chat a little. Given that a shift lasts about ten or twelve hours daily, it makes sense that everyone tried to at least know exactly who they worked with. Communication is necessary for everyone, even if it consists only of 'hellos' and 'goodbye' every day. I wonder if I appear that standoffish?'

A moment later, Momonga's emotions were extinguished, allowing him to look at the situation with cold rationality again. 'Not that I really need friends, I went to this school to gain knowledge, not that I have found much gain there... In fact, I'm already considering taking the opposite step, finding a suitable reason to get out of from school! It was too boring, and it turned out to be completely different from what I imagined. So, would it make sense in that case to try to become friendly with people that I'll soon never see again? On the other hand, without interacting with them in the first place, I have absolutely no idea what exactly I should be doing at school other than attending the lessons. Actually, even if I want to, how do I exactly do that? On the first day, it might have been easier if I said something like 'I'm new here, can you tell me what's to do around here?'. But this is my second day in this class... Did I already miss the golden time for finding friends!? School is just so hard for me!'

Another bout of emotion suppression calmed him down once more, allowing Momonga to sigh. 'Well, not everything in the world goes the way I want it to, I'll have to start coming up with a fallback plan once I stop attending school. Maybe summon a doppelgänger, and get him to adopt my appearance and go to school for me? No, again, same problems as with Pandora's Actor, since my identity as Satoru needed to stand scrutiny, the possibility of the doppelgänger acting strangely would ruin it... What if they become enraged if someone mocked 'Satoru' thinking that it's an insult against me? One mistake, and I'll lose my place in Kuoh, forcing me to look for another place to create another identity in.

Thinking about how much of a waste it would be, relocating and dealing with another possible faction, almost made Momonga think twice about quitting school. Almost.

'Okay, the hell with it, I'll just have to pen a letter of resignation from the school. I'll probably have to pay a forfeit, considering I haven't even paid the first tuition fee yet. Hmm, where would I find the legal tender needed? I do have certificates at least accrediting the fact that I finished Middle School, so a job at a Factory should be possible... But if I can't get a job legally what then? In YGGDRASIL, money isn't exactly hard to come by. Players could earn by killing monsters, but it's not like monsters drop loot in this world, so no point in attacking anyone, never mind the fact the possibility that they might have a backing behind them. Maybe I could start hunting criminals? Surely, even if they don't have a bounty on them, criminals would have some money, and I could appropriate it for myself.'

As soon as he thought about it, Momonga became sure that this course of action was the right one. Momonga had heard many times, stories from Touch Me about his job, and just how rich some of the criminals he caught were. Some even have apartments with more than one room!

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