Overlord of a High School (21)

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Momonga left the confines of the old church a couple of hours later, one small gym bag full of bills richer and poorer by several million nerve cells... At least if Momonga had still continued to be stressed in the same way as before, he probably would have lost most of his nerve cells, or maybe died in the church of a heart attack.

'I haven't had time yet to see exactly what kind of God Raynare has begun to think I am, and everything has escalated from there. I'm not ready to declare my own commandments and write a holy book!' Momonga's stress was suppressed just as it had been several hundred times in the last hour, leaving him calm, at least for a while.

'Umu, I never got to answer anything specific when Raynare started asking me, so I had to answer with vague words like 'not much changed,' or 'I still need time, I'm not ready to answer these questions yet'. Luckily, Demiurge had appeared at the right moment and relieved me of the need to answer, 'I want to wait and see how this world lives', how vague is that!?

Demiurge just started smiling and nodding as if he understood something.

Raynare, looking at Demiurge's action, stopped asking me for answers to questions at least... I don't even know how this world lives, I don't want to come up with some strange religion that is out of the norm in this world! What's more, I have little understanding of what is acceptable for religion in this world and what is not!'

The remnants of stress swung around in Momonga's soul and mind one last time, suppressed finally, before Momonga turned back to his thoughts. 'Umu, like that guy on the cross and those weird red paintings next to him... I don't know what the paintings were made of, but I would definitely be stressed finding a crucified man in a church in my former world! Who knew that was totally normal in the past, no one had even paid attention to something like that the whole time I was in that church, it never came up. I couldn't even think of a decent way to ask Raynare about exactly how sacrifices are made in her religion, at least not without looking like someone who knows absolutely nothing about Christianity...

Umu, in my past world, such a cultist display was cracked down heavily by the police and the megacorporation, even harder than normal religion even! In YGGDRASIL, almost all religions involving human sacrifice were proclaimed as evil, but it turns out that in the past such things were apparently practiced openly and without much trouble... Or is this a special Christian sect of the Fallen Angels?

Not that I know much about it, but I always thought Christianity was more about forgiveness and repentance...?

Though, on the other hand, in Christianity sinners were supposed to suffer, so maybe this is all normal, and it's just a case of my morals from the past world colliding with the norms of the current world? Hmm, in that case, I should get used to the fact that I am now a god of a religion that practices human sacrifice.

Umu, and the fact that I am now a god, is strange to say the least, but what can I do?

The situation with Raynare has come to this, now the main thing to do is to hold this situation stable and start spreading this religion slowly. I mean, it can also be treated simply as a business, taking money as payment, and offering... Um, spiritual enlightenment as a product?

No, that's like selling air, very profitable in the future, probably wouldn't work here, better to start selling... Say, protection, like with what Raynare already doping.

But then I'd quickly enough run into the problem that I just wouldn't have enough strong Nazarick creatures left to cover everyone at once. Demiurge can cover the church from an attack by a few dozen creatures like Serafall without difficulty, but if the church is attacked by someone like the Great Red Dragon? Demiurge would at least need the support or a World Class Item to protect the church, and even so, it probably wouldn't end without casualties...

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