Overlord of a High School (19)

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Katase followed close behind Satoru, after a dash to get her own lunch, glancing at the surrounding students. Whose eyes on Satoru changed from disinterested to intrigued as soon as they realized that not only was he not involved with the trio, but he was able to stop them from being perverts... For how long, remains to be seen.

Katase was not exactly innocent in the matter, but Satoru had definitely received a portion of undeserved and unpleasant looks in his direction, simply because of his kinship with the infamous Issei Hyoudou. Looking back on it, Katase could see the parallel of the students' preemptively judging Satoru badly and her own bad reaction to him, which resulted in her actually attacking him. And Katase was greatly ashamed about what happened, now wanting to make amends.

Moments later, as they walked through the corridors, Katase suddenly saw her friend, looking surprised at her and Satoru, a packed lunch in her hands. Katase was planning on taking Satoru out somewhere private before apologizing to him, one reason was to prevent information about her attacking another random person from spreading around the school. Some students already had a bad impression of her, seeing her auctions to punish the perverted trio as an overreaction.

Something that pissed her off somewhat when those same people were never perved on by them, so could not understand why she acted that way.

Second, and perhaps the least of her reasons, was that she was ashamed of having other people watch her apologizing to Satoru.

Seeing Katase approaching when she had already told him her plans, Murayama threw a questioning glance at her. Before she could articulate her question, it was answered a moment later when Satoru appeared behind her. Spotting him, Maruyama waved her hand at him in greeting with her lunch clutched in it. "Good afternoon, Satoru."

"Ah, good afternoon to you too, Murayama," Satoru greeted then looked at both of the girls, each of them suddenly finding the ceiling and the walls very interesting to look at. "Umu... Shall we go up to the roof?"

Katase only nodded at these words, having nothing against such a place for lunch, and headed for the stairs, her head busy trying to come up with things to talk about, or how she should go about thanking Satoru.

Well, first things first, she should thank him for his help with the trio. The fact that he was able to calm the 'scourge' of Kuoh Academy, if even only for a day, was a feat worth mentioning in itself. Not to mention the fact that it ended in a fight with Matsuda and quite possibly at least a conflict with Issei – though perverse, Issei was still his younger brother. It wouldn't have made things easy at home, at least...

Next on the list, Katase should apologize for attacking him. Katase frowned slightly at that thought, realizing that after thanking him for helping with the trio, with violence at that, apologizing for attacking him did not sound too good. But it needed to be done anyway.

And then, lastly, Katase also needed to know, if only for her own peace of mind, whether he had told anyone about the attack on him... Seeing the tangles of social faux pas she had to pass to express herself? Yes, the situation definitely looked unpleasant.

Katase, immersed in these somewhat unpleasant thoughts, didn't notice the moment she arrived at the roof, shocked out of her fugue by the rays of sunshine almost blinding her. Blinking the impromptu dazzling from the bright afternoon sun away, Katase could see that Satoru was already settling himself on the roof. Along with Murayama, he had put his lunch next to one of the benches on the roof – Katase looked simply out of place as she continued to stand.

Hurrying to sit down, she hurried down to occupy the bench next to Satoru, nestling him in between herself and Murayama. Taking a deep breath, she decided to just get it over with.

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