playlist for novel

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"Family line- Conan gray"

"Car's outside- James Arthur"

"Salvatore- Lana del Rey"

"Risea the moon- Liana Flores"

"je te laisserai des mots"

"Dark paradise- Lana del Rey"

"Young and beautiful- Lana del Rey"

"Video game- Lana del Rey"

"A different kind of love- ghostly kisses"

"Glimpse of us- joji"

"Fir on fir- sam smith"

"if we have each other- alec benjamin"

"Everything I wanted- Billie Eilish"

"The night we met- Lord Huron"

"Green book- ghostly kisses"

"mind over matter- Young the Giant"

"Where do lovers go? -ghostly kisses"

"Train wreck- James Arthur

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