/Chapter 1/

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/Fours years later (present)/

School was not for everybody and it most certainly was not for Donghyuck. However, he was continuing his studies in a university as per his parents wish.

He had no choice.

After graduating from high school, he either had to go to college or a trade school.

His parents were not going to let him sit at home and do nothing—they were a pretty wealthy family but that did not mean they wanted Donghyuck to live off of them.

It was not like Donghyuck wanted that anyway. He wanted to earn his money the right way.

Furthermore, he hated being at home because he despised when his parents would constantly nag him about finding somebody to settle down with.

Why did he have to do that for? Donghyuck was only nineteen.

He did not need to worry about finding somebody to be with and besides, he was not interested anyway.

The idea of being in a relationship or anything that had to do with 'love' was something Donghyuck steered away from. He could not stand it and did not believe it was real.

So instead of listening to his parents talk about it, he would be at his neighbor, Doyoung's, apartment to escape.

The relationship he had between his parents and him was a bit rocky and most of them time he felt alone or ganged up on. But with Doyoung, he treated him like a brother—more like family than his parents could ever.

And this was not here nor there..

Currently, Donghyuck was getting ready to go to school as he dressed in a white t shirt underneath his navy blue knitted sweated and blue jeans. His curly hair laid messily over his forehead.

As he was about to leave with his school bag, his mother stopped him from opening the front door.

"Sweetheart fix your hair. It's a mess!" She laughed at her son, using her hand to comb down the flying strands on his hair.

"It's fine, mom. I'm just going to school for a class and back," Donghyuck sighed, swatting his mother's hand away from his head.

"You have to look presentable when you leave the house," His mother responded, hitting her son's hand back for moving it.

Donghyuck hissed at the stinging feel on the back of his hand, rubbing it gently with the opposite one.

"It's not a big deal. Oh, I'll be going to Doyoung Hyung' s after class," He informed his mother, holding the strap of his bag.

She nodded with a small smile, "Okay, dear."

"Why don't you try to make any friends?" A deeper voice asked, which came from his father who entered the kitchen area. "You can't rely on Doyoung all your life, you'll hinder his relationship with Jaehyun."

Now it was not his father's intention, but hearing that made Donghyuck's heart tug and feel guilty.

Was he taking Doyoung away from Jaehyun? Was he invading their alone time and privacy by him alway being there?

"I'm not hindering anything," Donghyuck shrugged. "He said i was welcome to see them anytime."

"That's what everyone says when they're being polite, Donghyuck," His father stated. "But you don't understand that because you've never been in a relationship before."

And? What about it?

Is it really that big of a deal?

"Hmm, guess not. Oh well," Donghyuck sarcastically answered as he turned the knob of the front door to pull it open.

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