/Chapter 11/

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Waking up at seven in the morning on a Saturday was not ideal for Donghyuck, groaning as he whined while sliding himself off the bed until his body hit the carpet on his floor.

He rolled around on the floor while whining, biting his arm to suppress any noise so that his parents could not hear.

Although when he stood up after his tantrum, he noticed slightly visible teeth marks on his arm...what else did he expect though?

Donghyuck went to the bathroom to do his morning routine of brushing his teeth and washing his face before reentering his room again.

He wanted something easy to change out of, especially when going shopping for suits because he will constantly be trying things on.

So with that, he pulled out a black t loose shirt and jeans to pair with his black converse.

Stepping out of his room with his phone and wallet in his pockets, he walked into the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

He was not so hungry so the cereal should coat his stomach for now.

Hearing noise from the other side of the apartment, Donghyuck's parents came bustling out of their room talking about the different places they were going to be shopping at today.

But it was awkward because his mother was mainly talking to herself—kind of like a personal checklist type thing—while his father just looked at him.

Donghyuck scoffed...there was no real love there.

"Good morning, son! Ready to go?" His father cut his mother off, but it did not seem to faze.

Donghyuck sighed and walked to the door, "do I have a choice?"

"Good answer!"

Donghyuck rolled his eyes and walked out of the apartment, going next door inside Doyoung's and Jaehyun's home.

He was met with Doyoung and Jaehyun sharing a long loving kiss to which he cringed and looked away, clearing his throat.

Doyoung and Jaehyun pulled away as they chuckled at the younger's reaction.

Doyoung was wearing casual clothing, a turtle neck and black jeans while Jaehyun was wearing a suit—Donghyuck figured the dimpled man was about to head to the office in a few minutes.

"Good morning, Hyuckie!" Doyoung greeted, coming over to embrace the younger in his arms while Jaehyun did the exact same thing while ruffling the tanned male's hair.

"Morning," Donghyuck responded tiredly as they broke free from their hug.

"I have to get to work, babe. I'll see you this evening?" Jaehyun informed his husband who nodded.

"Absolutely. I'll bring home your favorite meal," Doyoung beamed as Jaehyun smirked.

"My favorite meal is standing right in front of me," Jaehyun winked as he smacked Doyoung's ass who yelped, rubbing where he was hit.

"I'm gonna throw up," Donghyuck gagged, covering his mouth.

Jaehyun let out his low dad chuckle while Doyoung rolled his eyes, pushing his husband out of the door after pecking his cheek.

"Love you," Doyoung said.

"Love you too," Jaehyun responded, pulling Doyoung in for one last peck before he left.

Doyoung gestured with his hands to Donghyuck, signaling for the younger to walk out the door so he could lock it behind him.

Donghyuck did just that as the two of them wait for Donghyuck's parents to exit their apartment.

"Have you thought about when you wanted to move your stuff out?" Doyoung asked to make subtle conversation while Donghyuck shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe I'll do it during the week so that way after we're married, I don't have to lift anything,"
Donghyuck insisted while Doyoung nodded.

"We'd help you out, you know? We wouldn't let you do it by yourself," Doyoung explained as Donghyuck have a small tired smile.

Abruptly, Donghyuck's parents exited their home as the four of them headed out of the apartment complex and to his parents car.

As they were driving to the shops, Donghyuck fell asleep on Doyoung's shoulder in the back seat of the car while Doyoung laid his cheek on top of his hair.

The younger was woken up after an hour by gentle shaking of Doyoung, whispering for him that they had arrived.

Donghyuck clicked his tongue and groaned, obviously not wanting to do this at all but his parents ignored it and got out of the car.

Hesitantly, Donghyuck exited the car.

He felt a bit anxious since he was familiar with this shop that had all different styles and sizes for suits and wedding dresses.

It was overwhelming as all eyes were on them when they entered the store.

"Hello! Who is the lucky bride or groom this morning?!" Taeyeon, the store's worker, bubbly asked.

"Hi, my son here is getting married on Friday!" Donghyuck's mother spoke up as the two ladies squealed with excitement.

Donghyuck stood there, staring at the ground with his eyes shut. He could not believe his parents are using him like this.

Donghyuck felt a hand rub his shoulder as he turned his head to see Doyoung who flashed his gummy smile at him for reassurance.

"Congratulations!!" Taeyeon cheered in Donghyuck's face—a little bit too close for his liking—before she continued. "You're in luck because we received a new collection of suits this fall!

Donghyuck gave a small timid smile, his cheeks heating up as he hummed.

Taeyeon guided the four of them to the selections of suits that were located along the rack of the side walls.

There were suits upon suits hung up on the racks, mannequins displayed to reveal how some of the more popular and well known suits would look all together.

"This is out fall collection! As you can see, we have a variety of different styles, colors, and even fitting!" Taeyeon explained. "Would you like to take a look or do we already know which suit you're looking for?"

Donghyuck blankly stared at the rack of suits against the wall as his parents ended up speaking for him.

"Do you have any recommendations on which to try? We're not sure of the style or fitting, but we do want a white suit," his father added.

"We do?" Donghyuck inaudibly mumbled, though Doyoung heard him and frowned.

"Absolutely! Follow me and I'll show you to our white collection of suits," Taeyeon helpfully assured with a bright smile.

But Donghyuck could tell behind that smile, Taeyeon was exhausted by way her smile began to lose color from smiling for too long that she would have to reset.

Poor woman.

It must get so busy in here, Donghyuck thought. And Donghyuck did not make her feel any better by coming to shop here and he felt bad.

All he did know, was that today was going to be a really long day and he was not looking forward to it at all.


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