/Chapter 18/

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"Since Donghyuck doesn't talk much, we should let him introduce our presentation and discuss the sole purpose for the corporation's functionality," Renjun suggested as Donghyuck's heart pounded against his chest.

Introduce the presentation?

That means he would be the first one talking and he did not want to do that. He would embarrass himself and stuttered in front of the entire class.

"Don't worry, Donghyuck," Jeno assured, seemingly sensed the younger's apprehension. "That alone won't even take two minutes for you to speak."

Donghyuck chewed on his bottom lip as he stared at his laptop screen which had google slides open on the tab.

"O-okay, I can do that," Donghyuck uttered, more to convince himself than the others.

"You'll do great!" Jaemin gave him a thumbs up as Donghyuck whispered a small thanks.

The other three began discussing the opening parts for them to split up between themselves while Donghyuck began working on his two slides.

While doing so, he laid out the rest of the presentation for the others—giving titles to each slide so that Renjun, Jaemin, and Jeno could just get started on it when they were ready.

Almost two hours had gone by, doing research on their corporation and putting it into their own words for their presentation.

Everyone had done their respective amount of slides, Donghyuck adding some photos to them since he would not be saying much so it was the least he could do, until they were finally finished with their project.

"Bam!" Jaemin slammed his laptop shut as Jeno giggled at his boyfriend across the cubicles.

"I'm starving! We should buy some lunch," Jaemin suggested as everyone else began to put their things away into their bags.

"Sounds good to me. Let's go to the canteen," Jeno agreed.

"I hope they have something good to eat today," Renjun groaned while everyone stood up from their seats.

Donghyuck did not feel out of place but he still felt awkward since the three friends were obviously very close to each other, watching Jaemin grab the two in a headlock.

Jaemin stopped walking to turn his head to look at Donghyuck who just stood there.

"Well come on, Donghyuck! Let's go before there's a huge line," Jaemin chuckled, removing his arms from Jeno and Renjun as he scurried to Donghyuck while holding out a hand.

Donghyuck was confused, staring at Jaemin's hand—lost—before he slowly fit his hand in the younger's as Jaemin smiled his bright smile and dragged him to the canteen with Jeno and Renjun following after.

Donghyuck let himself be dragged, obviously having no control in the younger's actions—he was tripping over his own feet which made Jaemin giggle.

They reached the canteen across campus and swiped their ids to have access inside. Luckily, there was not such a big line—only a few people in front of them.

Donghyuck looked around. He had not really been in here since he was a commuter and often ate his food at home.

The four of them had gotten some special made noodles on the menu today as they took a seat in a booth, next to the windows of the building.

Donghyuck was able to see the city and the rest of the campus, students migrating from class to class.

Donghyuck was sitting in the inside with Renjun accords from him, next to Jaemin who had his boyfriend Jeno across from him.

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