/Chapter 32/

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"Shut the hell up, dodo bird!" Donghyuck yelled, though it was muffled in Mark's neck.

Doyoung rolled his eyes as Jaehyun snickered.

"I can see this is a bad time, but I just don't care," Doyoung nonchalantly said.

"Come on guys, seriously?" Mark questioned, visibly agitated and boy did he sound hot Donghyuck thought.

Get yourself together Donghyuck!

"Oh we're more than serious," Jaehyun crossed his arms over his chest.

Doyoung and Jaehyun were just messing around with them but Mark was not having any of it.

Seeing this side—more like hearing this side—of Mark was something new to the youngest in the room and it was incredibly attractive although it made him not want to piss his husband off anymore...or maybe he did because he wants to see how far he can push him.

Not now. Not now.

Jaehyun and Doyoung invited themselves to sit on the other couch as Donghyuck slid off of Mark which allowed the older of the two to take a quick shower, hoping to calm himself down—both from irritation and the growing tent in his pants from him and Donghyuck's little make out earlier.

Donghyuck mentally cursed in his mind when Mark left him to shower, Doyoung and Jaehyun smirking at him.

"Y-you guys said to open up to him so I did!" Donghyuck defended himself, raising his hands.

Doyoung scoffed as Jaehyun raised a brow.

"Yeah we said open up to him emotionally, not open up your mouth!" Jaehyun tsked as Donghyuck's cheeks heated up.

"W-whatever!" Donghyuck spat, having his knees brought up to his chest on the couch which hid his outfit.

It was not that he felt uncomfortable wearing it in front of the other two, but he was not sure of their reaction because he was supposed to be a male.

Even though, clothes should never be assigned to a specific gender. Anyone could wear whatever they want as long as they felt happy and comfortable with doing so.

"Lee Donghyuck, get over here right now," Doyoung said in a scolding tone.

Donghyuck hated when Doyoung sounded like that and it as him a bit nervous.

Did he do something wrong? Was he about to get scolded at right now?

Reluctantly, Donghyuck brought his knees down and stood up with his arms crossed over his stomach. He walked to the other couch to stand in front of the older.

Doyoung wore a serious face and Donghyuck really could not read whatever was going on in the older's mind.

Suddenly, Donghyuck was pulled down into a big hug by Doyoung.

"I'm so proud of you," Doyoung mumbled which let Donghyuck let out a sigh of relief, relaxing in Doyoung's arms.

Once they released their hug, Jaehyun pulled Donghyuck to sit between him and Doyoung. As if normal and out of instinct, Donghyuck cuddled into Jaehyun's side as he enjoyed his warmth.

But it was at that moment that he realized his and Mark's hugs were similar yet very distinct.

Jaehyun's hugs were big and warm, allowing Donghyuck a sense of comfort. Meanwhile, Mark's hugs were also big and warm with that same comforting feeling, but he also felt a wave of protection and assurance in their relationship.

When Donghyuck hugged Mark, it was like time was frozen and nothing else mattered. He felt safe and secured in the older's arms as if he were the perfect piece to a puzzle.

Donghyuck's head was lain on Jaehyun's shoulder as the older ruffled his hair while Doyoung was talking to the younger, asking him how his finals went.

Donghyuck only shrugged and said it went alright.

He knew he could trust Doyoung and Jaehyun with his passion but his anxiety still created a fear that they would not except it.

Mark was the only one that knew as of now and he was fine with it being like that for a while.

"I thought by the time I finished showering, you guys would be gone," Mark sighed, his blonde hair a bit damp as he walked back into the living room.

Mark's eyes sharply glared at his older brother whomst was hugging his husband.

Mark stomped over to them and snatched Donghyuck from him, hoisting the younger up in his arm before taking him to the opposite couch.

"Hug your own husband," Mark huffed.

Jaehyun shook his head, "another thing I should mention about my brother, Donghyuck...is that he gets angry pretty easily when it comes to someone hurting his loved one or someone taking them away from him."

"I don't get angry. I just don't see the reason for you to hug all up on him when Doyoung is right there," Mark remarked as Doyoung gave him a testy look.

"It's Doyoung, Hyung to you," Doyoung corrected.

Donghyuck just stayed quiet, giggling under his breath as his got comfortable in Mark's lap.

The three of them bickered back and forth while Donghyuck just listened, eventually falling asleep as he felt Mark's chest vibrate against his own chest.

Feeling Donghyuck's steady breathing, Mark knew his husband had fallen asleep in his hold.

Mark craned his neck to look at Donghyuck, smiling lovingly at the sleep boy in his arms. He dropped his head to plant a small kiss on the younger's head.

Doyoung and Jaehyun just smiled at how comfortable Donghyuck had gotten with Mark. They were so happy that everything was working out for the two of them.

"Good job," Jaehyun praised as Mark did not even hear what he said because he was too immersed with the younger's beauty.

"Hmm?" Mark hummed.

"You guys are doing so well," Jaehyun mentioned as Doyoung nodded.

"I honestly didn't think it would be this quick that Donghyuck would be so comfortable with you but that must mean you were obviously doing everything right for him to do so," Doyoung fondly spoke of the younger in Mark's lap.

Jaehyun agreed.

"Take good care of him, Mark. He really needs you. I always bust your chops, but I really mean it. You guys are meant for each other," Doyoung concluded as Mark flashed a small smile before looking back down at the younger.

"I'd never dream of hurting him. I will always do my absolute best to make him smile and laugh everyday," Mark promised to himself and to the other pair of husbands.

And just like that, a few more weeks had gone by and Mark and Donghyuck's relationship has been going very well.

Every night, they would cuddle each other to sleep because Donghyuck discovered that he could not sleep without the older by his side.

As long as they were together, everything would be okay.


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