/Chapter 17/

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When Mark left the apartment after his little chat with Donghyuck, he slammed the door shut in his car as he squealed like a child who won a the claw game machine.

Donghyuck looked absolutely adorable in such casual clothing and his reactions were cute as well.

He did not want to make the younger feel uncomfortable at all so he steered away from touching him, after having caught him from almost falling of course.

Mark still could not believe he was going to be marrying this man. He was insanely excited to spend the rest of his life Donghyuck and he would do whatever it takes to help the younger fall in love with him as much as he is in love with him.

He will convince Donghyuck of his love, he will.
But he will not overstep any boundaries.

After freaking out over Donghyuck, Mark finally began driving to the office to tell Jaehyun all about their third interaction—the first being at the wedding, the second at Donghyuck's parents home, and third their new apartment together.

He worked for his father's enterprise company while Jaehyun took over their father's position as the ceo of the company while Mark was a manager amongst his separate department.

Instead of heading towards his floor, he pressed Jaehyun's floor in the elevator and once it arrived he sprinted out the little box to his older brother's office.

Knocking like a mad man, caught the attention of his coworkers until Jaehyun opened the door.

"My god, Mark. What the hell?" Jaehyun groaned as Mark pushed passed him to get inside his office.

The older sighed and shut the door behind him, turning to face Mark who had a big smile on his face.

"I saw him today!" He cheered with a little skip around Jaehyun's office desk.

No one would believe that Mark works for such a widely known business company with the none professional attitude he portrayed currently and that made Jaehyun chuckle slightly.

He grabbed Mark's shoulders to stop him from moving, "At home?"

Mark nodded his head rapidly, "yes! He was so cute, Hyung you don't understand."

Jaehyun shook his head an playfully rolled his eyes, "why did you go all the way back there?"

"Well I'm getting groceries later and I wanted to make a list of the items we needed during my lunch break. I didn't wanna ask Donghyuck because I know he's not quite comfortable talking with me so I went to look myself. And while I was at it, I made myself some noodles since it was my lunch break anyway and then I thought: 'I bet Donghyuck must be starving!' So I made him a cup of noodles too and as I was getting ready to leave, he walked in," Mark explained, giving Jaehyun his entire run down of what happened.

Jaehyun clicked his tongue and released Mark's shoulders, "you're so bad at lying. You went during lunch so you could see him not because you wanted to make a grocery list."

Mark denied Jaehyun, his ears turning red which obviously gave away that his older brother was correct but Mark did not want to admit it out loud.

"Show me the list then," Jaehyun commanded.

"Um no that is confidential," Mark quickly said, shrugging his shoulders as Jaehyun laughed.

"Sure," Jaehyun chuckled. "Go back to your department now." He shooed him away.

"Wow my own brother is trying to get rid of me," Mark faked a dramatic cry and stopped. "But that's okay because I'm marrying my Haechannie soon~"

"Haechannie?" Jaehyun repeated questioningly.

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