/Chapter 7/

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Was Donghyuck upset at Jaehyun and Doyoung?

Eh, not necessarily...he was upset at the situation, not because they did not tell him.

Because to be completely honest, whether they warned him or not, Donghyuck's parents were still going to take it upon their own hands anyway.

He just wished Jaehyun told him about his younger brother before.

Donghyuck knew Jaehyun had a brother, but he never really spoke about him while he was there.

Jaehyun sure as hell never mentioned how attractive and handsome his brother was either and that was a crime.

No, stop it Donghyuck!

You know nothing about this guy besides the fact that he wants to marry you!

"You're not paying attention to the movie..are you still thinking about it?" Doyoung softly asked.

The three of them were on the couch in pajamas watching a film, but Donghyuck's mind had wandered off the television screen since the movie began.

Donghyuck was going to sleepover tonight since he did not want to go home to his parents nagging him about the wedding arrangements.

He would much rather deal with that some other time.

Jaehyun on the other hand kept laughing at certain scenes while Doyoung was worried about Donghyuck.

Donghyuck glanced at the older for a moment before looking back to the tv, humming in response.

"Wanna watch a different movie?" Doyoung asked as Jaehyun gasped when he heard that, turning his head to look at them.

"No~" he whined. "This movie is funny."

Doyoung looked at his husband with a deadpanned expression, rolling his eyes before looking back at Donghyuck who only flashed a small smile.

"No, it's okay," Donghyuck assured as Jaehyun cheered and went back to watching the movie again.

"Next time, we'll watch something other than Madagascar," Doyoung snidely remarked as Jaehyun stuck his tongue out.

"King Julian~" Jaehyun imitated the screen, causing Donghyuck to giggle and Doyoung to shake his head in disbelief.

"I can't believe I married this guy," Doyoung blinked at Donghyuck who covered his mouth to stifle his laughter.

After the movie ended, Doyoung and Jaehyun went to their room after kissing the younger's cheek and covering Donghyuck who had fallen asleep on the couch with a blanket.

And when Donghyuck woke up the next morning, he went next door to his home to change into some clothes to go to school. 

It was the same routine like any other day, having only one class this time which went by pretty quickly.

Though, right before the class dismissed the professor announced a group project.

Donghyuck hated those.

"Before you leave, I wanted to remind you of the group project that was on the syllabus," Ms. Park reminded.

The students internally groaned as they listened to Ms. Park remind them.

"The list of assigned groups are also on the syllabus so make sure you guys are meeting up with your groups very soon. The project is due in two weeks. Remember, you are researching any business to report and present to the class of their corporate sustainability. I want to know the financial impact, social impact, benefits, etc. so make sure you're all working on this together. If any of you come across someone in your group that isn't doing the work, let me know and I will personally discuss it with them and determine to drop their grade," Ms. Park explained as everyone nodded.

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