/Chapter 15/

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A couple days had gone by and to Donghyuck's surprise, he had not crossed paths with Mark.

Either the older had to be at the office early in the morning and came home late or Donghyuck was the one who left early for school and came back while Mark was still at work.

Today was the day that Dr. Oh would be showing Donghyuck around the music theatre and dance department to check out all the majors and programs they offered within that field.

To say Donghyuck was nervous was an understatement.

His new apartment, well Mark's apartment, was still very new to him and Donghyuck was still trying to adjust to the new living space.

Though, he felt much better living here than with his parents. The only thing he was afraid of was one day crossing paths with Mark.

It would be so awkward and nerve wracking for Donghyuck.

Last time Donghyuck saw him in person, he called Mark a stranger who eye fucks him.


Extremely embarrassing on his part and Donghyuck wanted to crawl into a hole and never come back out.

Luckily, that day had not approached yet and he hoped it stayed that way until they were married at least.

Until then, Donghyuck prayed and hoped that it would never happen.

Meanwhile this was happening and Donghyuck was getting used to living here, Doyoung had been keeping tabs on the younger by calling and checking up on him through text.

It was extremely obvious that Doyoung missed him, but he knew Donghyuck was in good hands because Mark would never do anything ti hurt Donghyuck.

"Donghyuck! It's great to see you," Dr. Oh greeted, seeing as Donghyuck met him just on time in front of the building.

Donghyuck gave a small smile and shyly waved.

"Let's get on with the mini tour, shall we?" Dr. Oh chuckled as Donghyuck nodded, fiddling with his fingertips.

The 'tour' if you want to call it that, took about an hour or so as Dr. Oh took the time out to explain and go into detail about each program offered in the music theatre and dance department.

All the way from: music performance to theatre to dance to music education to music production to arts management and so much more.

Donghyuck thought it was pretty neat to see so many different majors under one department. He never knew that this department would have so many to choose from...maybe that is because he never really took out the time to look and explore his options.

Dr. Oh had even introduced Donghyuck to a few of the professors under this department, even the head chair of the department. However, knowing Donghyuck was a bit shy, Dr. Oh did most of the talking.

After all that was said and done, Dr. Oh took Donghyuck back to his office to discuss what the student thought about each major and if he found an interest to any specific one he saw today.

"Was there any in particular you liked?" Dr. Oh asked. "I could talk with the professors to get you in for next semester."

Donghyuck debated for a moment.

He did find quite a few majors really interesting, but he was scared of what was required to even get into the department.

In order to be fully admitted as a student and major of this department, he had to audition with at least two songs. The good thing about it, was there there was no limited time duration which meant the song could be as short as he wanted.

"You seemed pretty interested in the arts management program. There's different focuses, one in music, one in theatre, and one in art," Dr. Oh observed while Donghyuck reluctantly nodded.

Out of all the majors he toured, art management with a primary focus of music was the one he was the most interested in and he found it kind of crazy how Dr. Oh was able to sense that.

"I think I like the focus in music," Donghyuck admitted with an utter as Dr. Oh smiled while clapping his hands with excitement.

"That is fantastic to hear! You can have two focuses! A primary and secondary focus. So your primary would be music, what would you like your secondary focus to be: art or theatre?" Dr. Oh explained with question.

"Probably theatre," Donghyuck shrugged.

He sucked at painting and drawing so maybe he could try acting. He has done a school play in middle school, but his character was part of the ensemble and his costume was a tree.

Donghyuck did not hear the end of it from the other students laughing and pointing fingers at him because of it.

Since then, he has never tried out for any school play.

Not that he did that time. They just needed extra bodies for the play so they took a few students from music class and put them in.

"Great! I think this would work really good for you. You'd have the best of three worlds: music, theatre, and business and all in one!" Dr. Oh proclaimed with encouragement.

Dr. Oh explained how music and theatre would be incorporated with business and how it would be a fun major for Donghyuck because he will get to learn how to manage venues while also being able to take singing lessons or instrument lessons depending on his choosing.

In all actuality, Donghyuck really was interested and he never knew that his university offered such a major.

But that was when Dr. Oh explained to him that they had just created this major towards the ending of last semester.

Knowing that he would be one of the first, music arts administration major kind of made him nervous.

However, Dr. Oh assured him that this is an amazing opportunity for him.

"I know you'll be able to do well," Dr. Oh assured. "Everyone just needs a push for motivation, especially after finding something you're interested in."

Donghyuck hummed as Dr. Oh showed him the courses he would need to be taking for his major, a lot of which he already took because they were a part of his core class requirements.

When all that was said and done, Dr. Oh helped him schedule his classes—according towards his new major—for the spring semester before he was free to go.

He took the bus back to his new apartment, a much faster bus ride. Though it will take him a while to remember his stop because yesterday, he almost missed his bus stop if he was not paying attention.

Sunday he did miss his stop.

But he made it a priority to try his best to remember.

He got off the bus at his stop, his earbuds plugged into his ears as he walked into the gates of his new apartment complex.

It still had him in awe with the way it looked and he really could not believe he lives there now.

Punching in the code to his front door after taking the elevator to the fifth floor, the door unlocked and he entered.

He took his shoes off but was shocked to see that another pair was there and it was not his.

Suddenly, he heard the toilet flush.

His ears perked up as his head was raised, looking in the direction of the hallways that led to the bathroom.

The water ran for a while before it shut off and that was when Donghyuck realized.

Mark was home as well.


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