/Chapter 24/

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That night, Donghyuck had not spoken with Mark and went straight to the shower and to his bed after eating dinner as he claimed to not be feeling too well.

Mark sighed as he sat on the couch and stared out the window, watching the cars go by.

He could not blame Donghyuck for acting the way he did, but it hurt him knowing how scared he looked. The poor thing has been traumatized and Mark understands that.

He wants to tell Donghyuck that it would be okay and that he would never do anything like that to him.

As soon as Mark received the call from Donghyuck earlier—which rarely ever happened so he automatically knew something was wrong—he dashed out of the office to get to his car to find him.

He was angry. Anyone hurt hurt or made Donghyuck uncomfortable made Mark angry and he would do anything to get back at them for his husband.

There was a lot of things that Donghyuck did not quite know about him.

In fact, Mark was the one who took care of the Soobin situation when they were in high school.

It was at the end of the school year and at that time, Donghyuck was a freshman while Mark was a sophomore.

Ever since Jaehyun and Doyoung's wedding, Mark had eyes on Donghyuck and not about anything creepy, but he had a huge crush on the younger and he still does.

So from the wedding on, he made a promise to protect Donghyuck from harms way and so when he found out about the Soobin situation, he lost it.

Actually, he and Soobin had a fist fight before Mark turned him into the authorities. And because of that, it made Mark feel better knowing that Donghyuck was safe again because he does not know what he would do if something happened to him.

Sighing again, he stood up from the couch to shower and dress himself in his night clothes that he picked out from the basket next to his door—Donghyuck had done the laundry over the weekend.

Mark smiled softly.

Donghyuck had been cleaning around the apartment and Mark noticed it very well, but the younger did not have to do that all the time. He could help out too.

Mark laid down on his bed and turned on the television to watch something for a little while since he could not fall asleep yet due to his mind worrying about the younger in the next room.

Meanwhile Donghyuck on the other hand also could not sleep. Or more like he had fallen asleep but woke up from a bad dream and now can not fall back to sleep.

Donghyuck sat up against his headboard, thinking about everything that happened earlier.

He basically failed his final exam because he never got to finish. He did not do his audition and instead dropped out of college. And lastly, Soobin came after him again but Mark put him in his place.

This was all too much for Donghyuck and he did not know how to handle it. He felt alone, despite living with his husband.

He knows he could go to Mark for anything but something inside of him—probably anxiety—is keeping him from opening up to the older because he does not want Mark to look at him any differently.

As much as Donghyuck hated to admit it out loud, he fell for Mark Lee. He fell hard for him but Mark would never know that because Donghyuck dodges any ounce of affection or care Mark shows him.

Even with this being so, Donghyuck still thinks in the back of his mind that maybe Mark does not really love him. Because remember, love is not real to him.

How could it be real with people fighting, getting divorced, objectification, marriages being arranged and etc?

Or maybe he is too scared to admit that love is real because he is in love with Mark.

For all he knew, maybe love was just one sided instead of unreal.

He does not know...

Donghyuck is in denial and it is written all over his face, though Mark would never know unless he said something.

There is an itch in his skin telling him to go to Mark right now, but why does he so badly want to see him?

Is it because he yearns for his affection and touch?

Is it because he wants to open up to the older?

Donghyucj concluded that the reasoning behind it...was both of them. He wanted to feel loved by Mark. He wants to be in Mark's arms right now, being cradled like a baby.

He wanted Mark to tell him and reassure him again that everything would be okay. He wanted Mark to tell him that he loves him so that he could finally say it back.

And so as if hypnotized with a clock watch by the thought of Mark's comforting presence in his, Donghyuck followed his dreamlike state and hopped out of his bed.

Donghyuck reached for his door and pulled it open, walking next door to Mark's and knocking on it. The younger could see the light on from underneath the wooden door.

And at that moment, Donghyuck realized what he was doing and panicked.

He was about to walk back into his room but Mark opened the door, his blonde hair slightly messy as Donghyuck froze.

"Haechannie?" Mark softly called out, his voice slightly raspy from not speaking in a few hours as Donghyuck bit his bottom lip with his back facing the older.

His heart was beating outside of its chest right now and it was not just because of anxiety. It was because this was just how Mark made him feel when he was around him.

Mark made him feel like he stored a butterfly garden in his stomach.

His cheeks heated up at that sound of Mark's attractive voice, biting down harder on his lip before releasing it.

"Is there something you need?" Mark sweetly asked as he saw Donghyuck's head nod up and down with his back still faced towards him.

"Okay..." Mark smiled. "What do you need?"

Donghyuck sharply inhaled before releasing the air from his lungs from outside of his mouth.

He had to constantly remind himself to breath while also trying to figuring out what to say to the man that made him feel like he was walking on clouds.

He pursed his lips together before spinning around on his heel so his body faced Mark, slowly raising his head to meet the older's eyes.


And with that, Donghyuck ran up to Mark and jumped in his arms, the older instantly catch him and hoisting him up as he kept his hold around Donghyuck's back.

Donghyuck tightly held Mark close with his arms around his neck and legs around his torso, burying his face in the older's neck.

It was just a simple hug yet the both of them felt sparks shooting throughout their bodies from their skin clashing against each other.

They craved each other's touch for so long and neither of them knew then, but right now they did. They realized how much they needed each other at this very moment.

It was perfect.

Donghyuck fit perfectly in Mark's arms.

Mark is constantly reminded why he feel for Donghyuck in the first place. He was cute and adorable.

He was so kind and soft spoken and even sassy at times. Mark loved his personality. He loved everything about Donghyuck from his cute rectangular glasses to the moles decorated on his body.

Donghyuck was truly one of a kind and his beauty was nothing compared to anyone. No one could even top it in Mark's eyes.


I accidentally posted this chapter early but why not have a double update today :)

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