/Chapter 20/

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"I'm going to ask the both of you to repeat after me before sliding a ring on each other's fingers," the preist kindly instructed.

Donghyuck was holding the stem of his sunflower  tightly that his knuckles turned white.

"I, Lee Minhyung , take you Donghyuck, to be my lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health till death parts us," Mark repeated after the preist, sliding a golden ring with a Diamond on it through Donghyuck's finger.

Donghyuck secretly admired the beauty piece of jewelry on his finger as it was his turn to speak up.

He bit his lip as he stared at the flower in his hands.

"I-I, Lee Donghyuck, take y-you Minhyung, to be my lawfully wedded h-husband in sickness and in health till death parts us," Donghyuck managed to spit out softly—the people in the back of the chapel could barely hear him but as long as Mark and the priest did, it did not matter.

Donghyuck, with a shaking hand, slid a golden band ring on Mark's finger.

The younger did not dare look up at the crowd or at Mark and he was afraid for what was about to come.

"I now pronounce you, husbands," the priest concluded as Donghyuck squinted his eyes shut. "You may kiss your partner."

Mark being the careful observer that he was, noticed that Donghyuck was not ready to be kissed right now and of course, he would never force that from the younger so soon.

And so instead of kissing his lips—which everyone was anticipating and wondering why it was taking so long—he smoothly grabbed Donghyuck's hand that held the sunflower, bringing it up to his lips to press a soft kiss against his skin.

The action had Donghyuck's cheeks flushed as he felt all tingly and weak in the legs.

But why?

He was not sure why he was feeling this way and it was different to what he was feeling earlier.

The crowd cheered as Donghyuck's was solely focused on Mark's hand in his, against his lips before it was slowly brought back down.

Mark had a small smile on face and Donghyuck could not help but smile back shyly and look away.

The older held his arm out so Donghyuck could hook with his own, together walking down the isle as everybody clapped.

But Donghyuck paid zero attention to the crowd and only of their arms that linked their bodies together, somehow gravitating closer to each other subconsciously.

As soon as they exited the chapel, Donghyuck released a long breath that he had been holding in as well as tears that escaped his eyes that he tried his best to hold in the entire time.

"You did such a good job," Mark praised, holding out a handkerchief for Donghyuck to wipe his face.

All of his emotions came rushing out and Donghyuck could not stop it.

Donghyuck reluctantly took it, "W-what if I get it dirty?"

Mark only chuckled, "We have a washed machine and detergent for a reason."

Mark wondered how Donghyuck always managed to look so pretty, even while crying.

Inside, Mark was truly ecstatic that Donghyuck was talking to him but he did not want to show it because the younger would obviously begin to quiet down and he did not want that.

Donghyuck nodded and patted the wet drops on his cheeks as Mark watched him fondly.

Suddenly, a familiar voice called out for both Mark and Donghyuck.

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