/Chapter 4/

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Donghyuck had woken up to the birds chirping outside on his windstill. He yawned as he rubbed his eyes and sat up from his bed, noticing he was still wearing what he had worn last night.

His stomach growled as he tossed the covers to the side to slid out of bed.

He changed into a new pair of clothes which were a pair of black jeans and a navy blue t shirt as he pushed his squared black thick lenses on his face which cleared his vision.

Donghyuck stepped outside of his room with his school bag—he was early today since he wanted to eat breakfast after not having eaten anything for dinner last night.

The tanned boy satisfied himself with a boy of cereal before he put on his sneakers to head out to the bus stop.

He had a couple class today but he should still be back home early enough to go over to Doyoung's apartment because he so badly needed to talk to the older about the crazy dream he had last night.

Plugging his earbuds in, he hummed on the way to the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive and take him to college.

Entering the bus, Donghyuck sat in the back and looked out the window the whole way to school while he cringed in his mind at the thoughts he was having about his dream.

"What a nightmare," Donghyuck claimed in his mind as he shivered at the thought.

The bus came to a slow stop as Donghyuck stood up carefully, using the bars hanging from the roof of the vehicle so that he did not fall.

He walked across campus, his head hung low so that he did not make eye contact with anyone.

Eye contact means conversation or someone approaching you and Donghyuck did not want either of that.

He headed to his music appreciation class—the only class he actually enjoys other than his computer class—and took a seat by the window in the far corner of the room.

The only thing about this class that he did not like was that he was forced to participate in class or he will lose points to his final grade.

He would get called on randomly when no one would answer. His professor was cool and he knew Donghyuck knows the answer, which is why he constantly calls on him to speak.

Dr. Oh was his name and he knew of Donghyuck's ability very well and in fact, he was very impressed with each assignment the tanned me handed in.

And so after class ended, Dr. Oh announced to the class for Donghyuck to stay behind while everyone else left.

The tanned male's cheeks became hot and red and his heart palpitated excessively at him having to stay back and talk to this guy.

Did he do something wrong? It can not be. Donghyuck rarely does anything in general.

"Don't be nervous," Dr. Oh assured gently, obviously noticed Donghyuck's anxious state. "It's nothing bad."

Oh by the way, did he mentioned that Dr. Oh was his academic advisor as well?

"I just wanted to say that I've been very impressed with your creativity in our class projects and assignments," Dr. Oh complimented as Donghyuck shyly smiled and looked down.

"T-thank you, Dr. Oh," Donghyuck mumbled.

"How do you like it? The class I mean," Dr. Oh asked.

Donghyuck cleared his throat as he raised his head, eyes scanning everywhere besides his professor.

Dr. Oh only smiled.

"I-I enjoy it," Dognhyuck truthfully stated with a slight shrug of his shoulders as his professor hummed.

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