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✯𝓶𝔂 𝓿𝓪𝓶𝓹𝓲𝓻𝒆 𝓫𝓸𝓼𝓼


You were sleeping peacefully but you heard two people talking at the door, you looked to your side to find jay not beside you, you looked at the door to see jay talking to another guy......mmh it wasn't jake, but it was another guy. You heard them and you were S.H.O.C.K.E.D.


"hey dude wanna hangout with us" the guy said "no sorry I cant" jay replied to him "hey, how is that girl umm what was her name again" the guy said "you mean y/n?" jay said you were curious why your name was brought up so you threw your ear with them while acting like your asleep.

"she is doing fine, she is just tired from the bite" jay said "wait you bit her?" the guy asked "yeah" jay said looking down "you know we should not bite humans that we are close to or work with and you know that jay, that's rule number 1. what if she finds out?, what will you do huh turn her into one of us" jay was silent "jay I am sorry, but you really need to hold yourself. I know you love her but..."

Then everything went silent 'wait what continue why did you stop uggghh what are they even talking about? what do they meann uuggh' you said in your head.

"uh heeseung did you hear that?" jay asked....oh so his name is heeseung ok "yes I did oh shit" heeseung said "I actually gotta go my friends must be waiting for me" heeseung said then you peeked with your eyes to see heeseung whispering something in jays ears.

'what did they hearrrr????' you said in your mind.

You felt jay laying beside you "stay with me please" jay whispered while moving your hair away from your face, he then touched your forehead and you felt like you were so heavy that you went to sleep. 

(jay thought that he erased your memory from the conversation that you heard that night, but ohhh he didnt know that you still remember hehehe) 


You both ate breakfast and he told you to wait for him and stay in the mansion.

"the maids will take care of you, and if you need anything just call" he gave you another phone that is not yours and he said that they will be trying to find your phone, but you can have this one for now. Then he was on his way to the door.

You ran to him.

"Jay cant you tell me why am I staying in your mansion? I want to go home you know I have a family that is probably worried about me right. I have work that I need to finish, jay please take me home at least explain to me why I am staying at your mansion huh?" you begged for him "y/n I-" then suddenly you fell on the ground yelping from the pain that came from your neck.

You held the side of your neck as you fell to the ground "ooowwww" you yelled from the pain. jay quickly knelt down to you "Y/n what's wrong are you ok??" he said with a worried face. Jay called the maids immediately to call the doctor, he held you in bridal style straight to his room, he laid you in bed as a tear left your eyes from the pain your feeling.

"what's wrong huh show me?" jay said as he tried to remove your hand that was covering the side of your neck.

"It hurts jay, it hurts badly" you said letting your tears slide down your cheeks "y/n please show me, I'll try to heal it" he said wiping your tears and trying to convince you to remove your hands so he can see what is hurting you like that.

you finally removed your hands that has blood on it, showing the bite that jay gave you. It was bleeding. Jay stared at the bite trying to hold himself from doing anything his eyes almost turned red from the smell of the blood, but he changed it back to normal so you don't see it.

"how did that happen? DOCTORS" jay yelled at the maids to bring in the doctor as fast as they can.

(did I forget to say that its not a normal human doctor no. its a doctor that is specifically for vampires and creatures that live in the forest)

the doctor came in asap and went straight to you "please help her sir" jay said to the doctor "no worries she is just going to be fine" the doctor said checking on the bleeding bite "it hurts so bad doctor" you said "don't worry you will be fine in no time "jay can you wait outside?" the doctor asked as he had his helper pass him a needle. jay was about to go, but you held his hands. jay was shocked, but he loved it "no sir please let jay stay here. I hate needles" you said looking at the needle in the doctors hands.

"y/n don't worry its just a syringe that will make you syncope (pass out) so you don't feel any pain.
Its ok don't worry jay will be beside you" the doctor spoke.

The doctors helper gave you the syringe you fainted quickly and Jay went outside of the room because the doctor will do more checkups deeply in the bite. once the doctor finished doing the checkups he cleaned the blood that was around the bite and covered it with a band aid because he knows that jay cant help himself, but look from needing to taste your blood.

you were still laying on the bed loss of consciousness. The doctor came out, jay looked at him quickly "is she alright" jay asked worriedly "she'll be fine once she wakes up, oh and jay you took your first bite too seriously" the doctor said chuckling "how did you know that it is my first bite" jay said embarrassed "Jay I know your parents always gave you blood to drink, but they never let you bite plus the bite looked like it" the doctor said smiling at jay "hahaha so why was it hurting her I mean all I know is that bites only hurt at first, but after...."

"its because you planted your fangs deep into her skin and that was your first bite, and the bite should not leak any blood, but that happened cause you sucked her blood way too fast" the doc said winking at him "what I never knew that it matters if you sucked the blood fast or slowly??" jay said giving the doc a confused face "ask your friends they've bit people before" the doc said then he left.  

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