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✯𝓶𝔂 𝓿𝓪𝓶𝓹𝓲𝓻𝒆 𝓫𝓸𝓼𝓼


Jay stood there, with his damp hair.

In a blink of an eye you ran to him hugging him so tightly like there is no tomorrow.

Crying, crying feeling lots of emotions. You don't know if you should think about your father or Jay or that betrayer sunghoon or what more suprises will come next.

Hugging jay tightly, he hugged you back. Sniffing the sent that he missed.

Niki coughed as you both were hugging for too long. You broke the hug wiping away your tears.

"I'll wait outside" Niki said leaving the room.

Jay looked at you patting your head lightly.

"Your safe!" You smiled feeling flustered.

"Thanks to you, I'm safe" he said smiling widely.

"You found the book?" He spoke

You nodded looking at him with doe eyes.

"I want you to tell me everything jay...please" You said.

"alright we have all day, want to rest on the bed as I tell you everything?" Jay said holding your hand looking down at you.

"yeah" you replied.

Jay sat on the bed opening his arms.

"come here my love" he said.

You smiled flustered by the way he called you.

Getting in bed beside him, you went in his embrace. His arms wrapped around you.

You laid your head on his chest as he stroke your hair gently.

"I missed you so much love" he whispered.

"I missed you too" you giggled. Seeing his smile appear, woke up the butterflies in your stomach.

"so where should I begin from" he said.

"mhm...from the day I was born" You replied back.

You tried to ignore the fact that Jay was alive before you were born, he just never ages.

"It all began when your mother and father met. Your father was working with a friend of his, his whole life. That friend is my father. Park" jay started.

"You father was the one who raised me?!" You were shocked.

"Mhmm" Jay nodded.

"They both worked together until my father trusted your father and told him about his life, and showed him that he's not actually a human. Your father was surprised, but he never left my father's side. My father was the one ruling the whole forest" Jay said.

You remembered when Luna said that someone before sir choi used to rule the forest. Was it jays father?

"but months passed and my father was in the city more than he was in the forest. Sir Choi wanted my father's place so bad; he found out my father has a human entering the forest. He also found out that the human was his friend. Sir Choi went to your father and told him that he's my father's friend; he took your father into the forest...Your mother didn't know about that. When he took him into the forest, he bit him and turned him into one of's dangerous for humans to enter the forest. When the people of the forest find out about a human roaming around the forest, they turn them into one of them, then they lock them up deep down in the ground, then they go kill their family one by one." Jay explained.

You zoned out realizing why Jay tried to hide you, cause its actually dangerous.

"Y/n, this forest is not normal like you see it. If you take some specific steps, a whole village can be visible to you. Witches live deep in the forest, many other creatures, not only us. After your father was turned into one of us, my father punished Sir Choi and tried his best to save his friend, but he couldn't. He then had to go tell your mother about what happened; your mother never left your father's side. She'd always ask how he was. Your father lived with us; he was still learning how to control himself so he could be able to go back to your mother. I was a kid at the time. Your father used to play with me; we used to go practice our skills together until we were playing hide and seek. I hid in the attic. Your father gave up on looking for me because he looked everywhere except the roof. As I was waiting for him to catch me, I tripped on a box. The box fell to the side, opening. A book caught my attention. I grabbed it and opened it. The first page had your full name, but as I flipped the pages, they were empty. On the end of the page was a picture of two people holding hands. I couldn't figure out who they were because it was only their hands in the picture. I felt some deep feeling in my heart. I closed the book and put it back in the box. I ran out of the attic as fast as I can. After some weeks, I saw my father giving that box to Heeseung's father, telling him to keep it safe at all costs. Your father went back to living in his house with your mother. They had you. On the day you were born, my parents took me to the witches to see what's wrong with me. I was sweating coldly; my body was hot. The witches said it's fate. She also said that this is new. The witch didn't speak again, shocked. When I went home, my conditions were getting worse. Your father called my father and asked him if he'll be able to come and see his newborn daughter. My father said yes, taking me to also get a checkup. It was a risk, but my conditions were new in the whole family. When we went to the hospital, we entered the room where your mother gave birth to you. My parents congratulated your parents before asking the nurse for a doctor for me. But something weird happened. I went and layed on the couch under the window. I suddenly felt better; it was like nothing happened to me at all. I felt happy. My parents were confused on what's going on with me. My mother asked if I was okay; I said yes. The cold sweat disappeared; the hot temperature of my body was gone. My parents were happy I was okay. My mother then congratulated your mother and she asked for the baby's name. Lee Y/n...I saw a lot of visions at once when I heard your name. After that, some bad people came looking for your father; they wanted to kill your father because he wasn't locked deep in the ground, basically for breaking the rule of having kids with a human. My father took your father somewhere far. He also told my father to make sure no one is hurt from his family. That's why my father had to stay with you. He didn't actually spend all the time in your house; he'd teleport back to his house at night and the times when you sleep. He'd sometimes bring me with him, and we'd play together. When I was with you, I felt the best; I felt a connection between us...then when your mom was calling you for lunch, I realized that your full name was written on the book in Heeseung's house...and the owner of the book is looking at me with those doe eyes that drive me crazy" he said before planting a hot kiss on your plump lips.

You felt your face heat up till your ears. Hitting his shoulder playfully hiding your face in your palms.

"Don't hide those rosy cheeks from me love" he said removing your hands off your face gently.

"Wait..." you sat up with your eyes wide realizing something.

"You said you used to come over so we can play together? Wait..." you stopped for a min.

"You said my name was written on that book before I was even born!?! What!" You said shocked taking out the book from your bag.

Jay sat up as you opened the book.

You flipped through the pages.

"How did these pictures come here" you pointed at the pictures of you and your family in the book.

"I don't know yet" he replied.

"So these pictures weren't here before I was born" you asked.

"That book was empty before you were born" he said.

You flipped through the pages, then you noticed the picture that jay said he saw when the book was empty.

You took out the picture flipping it and reading what's written on the back.

'I miss you jojo'

Your jaw dropped.

✯DARK BLOOD(Enhypen Jay)Where stories live. Discover now