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✯𝓶𝔂 𝓿𝓪𝓶𝓹𝓲𝓻𝒆 𝓫𝓸𝓼𝓼


all of you settled down and you cleaned the house from the dust, jay also helped you with cleaning.

Jake gave you a shopping bag in it macaroni, tomatoes, vegetables, wine, etc.. they probably got these groceries from the supermarket we were at 1 hour ago.

you took the bag from him and went to the kitchen, you didn't here voices in the house probably because the boys are sleeping. They were tired and stressed today so its good for them to take some rest until you finish making dinner.

all the house lights were closed only the kitchens lights that were open.

while you were cutting some peppers for the pasta's sauce you felt hands slowly wrap around your waist. you quickly flinched making you accidently cut your finger. You turned around not noticing the cut on your finger. "tf you scared the soul out of me" you said holding a knife at Jay.

"oh I am so sorry y/n I didn't mean to-" Jay said worried that he hurt you. you held your heart taking deep breaths. "I didn't mean to y/n I'm-" Jay went close to you trying to apologize. "no its fine its fine" you said putting the knife down.

Jay noticed blood dripping from your finger. "oh my y/n your finger! are you really ok?" Jay said as he quickly opened a drawer in the kitchen counter getting an first aid kit.

He put the first aid kit box on the kitchens counter then suddenly he turned around and lift you up, he put you down on the counter as he held your wrist carefully.

your red blood drips on your sweatshirt and Jay starts to get anxious, he looks up at the sealing to avoiding that feeling that's eating him up from the inside. its making him get dizzy, he tries to hold himself and open the box getting out ointments for your injury.

his vision goes blurry as he tried to put the ointment on your finger cut. you noticed how jay was dripping in sweat. "Jay are you ok?" you asked looking at him. all he heard was muffled words coming out of your mouth.

Jay put down the ointment quickly trying not to look at your cut. "Jay? what's wrong?" you asked again worried, Jay pinned you with both of his hands to your sides putting his head low.

you looked at jay worried, you decided to treat your own wound, But first you take jays hands away from your sides as you got off the kitchens counter. You held both of his shoulders and make him sit on the floor as he leaned his back on the kitchens wall.

"Jay! Jay! why are you sweating?" you asked worried, he looked at you with his blurry vision.

you were about to get up to get him water, but he pulled you back down making you fall on his lap. "y-y/n?" Jay said trying to catch his breath "Jay your not ok" you said. he was holding your wrist as he looked at your bleeding finger.

"y/n will you still love me even if I was a monster?" jay asked you, cheeks flushed red!

"w-w-wh-what?" you stuttered. you wanted the ground to open and swallow you because of how you stuttered...

"I promise that I will always protect you y/n..." He said as he looked at you deep in your soul. Jay held your finger and licked the blood on your finger. your jaw dropped shocked at what he just did. you hissed at the pain of his tongue coming in contact with your cut.

you saw him swallow the blood down his throat making him feel a little at ease. once he swallowed down your deep cut's blood. he threw his head back rolling his eyes at the sweet, but salty taste of your blood.

you looked at him as you froze in place not moving an inch. his blurry vision came back to normal "can I have more please?" Jay said sliding his hands around your waist, holding it securely.

"more? o-of what?" you asked trying not to stutter.....

"yes or yes?" He said smirking at the now red tomato y/n.

"I need to use the washroom p-please, uh e-excuse me" you said trying to get up from his lap. Jay felt that you were tired and you looked uncomfortable. so he let you go.

you ran upstairs to the bathroom closing the door after you.

you cleaned your wound and went back downstairs to the kitchen. you saw that Jay wasn't there anymore so you just finished dinner and prepared the plates and food on the table.

you went upstairs and knocked on their doors telling them "dinners ready~"

all of you are now sitting on the table eating your pasta with wine and salad, you only poured wine for yourself as the others also poured for themselves, but you are confused on why their wine is a little brighter than yours??

you got so curious so you decided to start a conversation and ask them "hey guys did you pour from a different bottle of wine, because why is yours brighter than mine?" you asked holding your wine cup and looking at it.

you thought the conversation was going to go on and start another conversation, but ehh?

"oh yeah this is actually the miqa wine, it might be bright but it tastes amazing" Jake said trying to cover up. "ohhh can I try it?" you asked obviously curious about the taste...

"oh uh no its too strong for you to drink" heeseung said taking a sip from his wine and scrunching his face at how strong the wine is. "maybe one day you'll try it" Jay said going on with the lie.

you looked at sunghoon with your pleaded eyes "pleaseee" you said fluttering your eyelashes at him as he was eating beside you. "sorry but just like jay said, maybe you'll try it one day" sunghoon winked at you.

The table was so quit you could only hear sunoo and niki chatting and the others munching on their food. The atmosphere was awkward whenever you caught Jay taking glances at you and also the boys noticed the awkward atmosphere...


you are now going up to the 'room' you'll sleep in.

you knocked before entering "come in" you heard sunghoon say. you entered the room, you saw sunghoon laying on the bed looking at some polaroid's?

"uuuhhh I'm so tired" you yawned laying next to him. sunghoon was zoned out while looking at the polaroid's in his hand, so you peeked your head in and looked at the polaroid's.

"what you looking at?" you asked him trying to get a comfortable position. "look its mini you" sunghoon chuckled as he pointed at the younger y/n and sunghoon in the photo.

your heart melted seeing these photos...

"come here lets see all those pics of mini you~" sunghoon said making you go in between his arms as you both chuckled and laughed at the photos.


"look that's when a bee sting you in your head" sunghoon laughed pointing at the photo. he got no response from you so he looked at you seeing you deep in your sleep. He let you out of his arms as he made sure you laid comfortably and covered you with a blanket.

"goodnight y/niiie" he whispered kissing your forehead.

he closed the lamp beside him, putting his polaroid's away and going to his dream land.

little did you know someone was using his hearing powers and eavesdropping in your room?! He is so jealous right now...

✯DARK BLOOD(Enhypen Jay)Where stories live. Discover now