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This chapter goes out to MisfitBrina and samanthagrace2014 thanks for commenting and I hope you like this chapter!!!

Love ya

- TheMrs_Bae_Dallas

// Mariah //

I wake up in Cameron's arms, smiling I sit up to grab my phone but I'm immediately pulled back down. "Hey." I giggle as I struggle with him "stop resisting and cuddle with me." Cameron mumbles not even opening his eyes to look at me.

"You sound like a police officer." I laugh, laying my head on his chest again, Cameron smiles and breathes in heavily as he holds onto me tighter.

After 30 minutes of just laying there and cuddling Cameron decided that we should go eat breakfast which sounded great to me. "Okay, let's just go over last night." I sit on the counter as Cameron starts on breakfast.

"Okay..." He sighs "well first you cheated on Missy  publicly with me.. again." I say and he rakes his hand through his hair as his eyebrows furrowed together.

"I think Missy was there last night so you should definitely apologize for that." I state making Cameron rub his hand over his face like he was annoyed. Blowing off his expression I continue on "if I were you I would be texting her right now." I look down at my lap.

"But I'm not sorry." Cameron blurts.

"What!?!" I choke "I'm not sorry for what I did... the only thing I am sorry about is the way I treated you for all those years!!!" He huffed out.

I stared wide eyed at Cameron as my brain processed his words, "Cameron just think about what your saying and where your going before you speak." I get off the counter and place my hands on his muscular shoulder.

"Mariah I'm madly in love with you, everything I do with you makes me feel alive, more than Missy could ever make me feel, I mean I get chills when I see you and I feel sparks whenever we touch... I've felt this way for the past 6 years, and I can't deny it anymore Mariah."

Covering my mouth I just stared, I didn't know how I was supposed to respond I  mean Cameron just confessed his undying love to me after all these years of letting me think he hated me.

"Mariah say something." Cameron whispered, opening my mouth to speak I tried but barely anything came out. "I-I..." I took a deep breath before retrying.

"Cameron I-" I went to speak when he cut me off "never mind don't say anything." Cameron said before he kissed me wit his soft lips, as they crashed into mine his strong arms wrapped around me, making my heart melt within my chest.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him closer.

I could feel his abs against my stomach. I gasp when Cameron's tongue enters my mouth and fights with mine but our euphoric moment ended when I heard a gasp from behind us.

"Ohmigod!!" I hear someone yell in shock making me and Cameron pull away from each other quickly and make a good amount of space between us.

"Mrs. Dallas!!" my eyes widened when I saw who the person was but instead of blowing a fuse she smiles "oh thank goodness it's just you Mariah." Gina Cameron's mom says calmly.

"Mom I'm confused?" Cameron hummed "I know Missy is your girlfriend but I'm glad your cheating on her with such a doll like Mariah." Gina says and I giggle while Cameron just scratches the back of his neck.

"Thank you, Mrs. Dallas." I nod and she smiles more "anyway, since I'm going to be gone I want you Cameron to take Mariah out on a proper date instead of whatever you call this... I've taught you better than that young man." Gina scalds and Cameron laughs.

I blush and look down at my feet as they playfully go back an forth a bit until Gina had to go upstairs and change before leaving, "That was awkward."

"Yeah." Cameron agrees "I can't believe your mom didn't freak out, I'm sure my dads would have lost their minds." I say my face probably show my shock.

"She kinda knew about my liking towards you." Cameron looks down. I laugh and a bit after Cameron starts laughing as well. "So how about that date."


I walk up to my front door with Cameron by my side as I held a teddy bear in my arms because Cameron had won it for me at the carnival in town.

"I had a great time, Cameron." I smile "I did too." Cameron smiles from ear to ear like a kindergartner, "thanks for the bear." I laugh at his expression "your welcome." He nods shrugging his shoulder slightly.

"Well I'll see you Monday." I give him a questionable look "see you Monday." He agrees.

"Goodnight." I wave "goodnight Mariah." Cameron says, he turns to walk off when I remembered something. "Cameron!!!" I yell "yeah." He turns around to look at me so I run over to him and crash my lips into his taking him by surprise.

After a few seconds we both pull away.

"Don't lead Missy on." I whispered in his ear before going inside, I close my front door and sigh happily as my heart pounded within my chest. Look what you've done Mariah.

"MARIAH ROSE BLACK!!!" I then hear my dads yell.


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