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// Mariah //

"Alright Mariah you can go home today but just remember to take two of these a day until they're gone, and take one of these until the end of your pregnancy... also be sure to clean your wound twice a day --and most importantly make sure to get plenty of rest over these next few weeks and take things easy." the nurse said.

"That means no sports, running or sex, nothing that could possibly put strain on the baby or tear any stitches." She then informed me before handing me two pill bottles, one of them saying 'PreNatal' across the front.

"After this I'm never having sex again." I sigh. "Well we wouldn't be here Mariah if you had used a condom... I mean how many times have we talked to you about it?" my dad Jason said softly with a shake of his head.

"Papa for the millionth time it just sort of happened... we didn't think this would happen." I tell him making my dad bitterly laugh.

"Mariah allot of things in your life recently just sort of happen.... every time something goes its always 'it's just sort of happened'.... reminds me of someone I know." my dad growled as he sat next to Jason with his arms crossed.


At his words my jaw clenched.

I knew exactly who he was comparing me to, and I knew that he was still mad over this surprise pregnancy even though he said he was over it a few days ago.

"I knew you were holding a grudge!! God why do you always have to lie to me!?!" I angrily spat making a vein in my dad's neck to tense. "Michael don't --we just got her back!" my dad Jason begged but he exploded anyway.

"Maybe I wouldn't be so made if you'd been smart and not have sex at seventeen!!!" my dad threw back at me.

"It was one mistake!"

"One big mistake, Mariah!!"

"Ugh! You act like I'm some whorish girl whose out having sex with anyone who looks my way, dad.... I had sex with one person!!! I made a mistake with one person sue me for it!" I hiss.

"Little girl you better watch your tone!" my dad hissed.

"I'm not little!!"

"Enough, this is enough --we're not taking this any further!" my dad Jason stated firmly but his words were merely ignored.

"You damn sure ain't no adult since you still think and act like child... you make childish decisions Mariah but I can't blame you because that's what children do --they make stupid childish decision!!!" my dad blared making the nurse jump at his volume. 

"Why do you act like I'm the only one whose made a mistake and gotten pregnant before!" my blood boiled under my skin. "Oh don't even start with me Mariah because between you and Samantha I have enough disappointment to go around!!"

"Michael stop," my dad Jason tried to defuse our argument again but I was beyond the point of stopping now, "I hate you!"





"But dad my baby will have more than you've given me."

"That's only if you keep it!" my dad rolled his eyes as our faces turned red with anger "YOU KNOW WHAT I'M KEEPING THIS BABY EVEN WITHOUT YOUR HELP!!!!"

"AND I'LL BE A DAMN GOOD MOM!!!" slamming down my fist on the table I sent my dad a glare before leaving the room. 

I couldn't even stand to be around my father for another second not when he was acting like this, "Mariah!" a manly voice called behind me.

"Mariah honey come back here." my dad Jason's voice rung but I didn't stop walking until he physically stopped me; grabbing my arm he pulled me back. "Mariah please stop."

"Don't give me a lecture, not after what dad said in there." I pleaded and my dad cupped my cheek "honey I'm not... but you can't say things like that even when you're mad." He then slightly scolded.

"He started it... he just couldn't help but rub this in my face." tears started to brim in the corners of my eyes "he-- he just had to compare to her." my voice grew hoarse.

"I know that but he only argues with you because he loves you and wants you to do better Mariah," my dad Jason whispered softly, grumbling I tried to force the tears away, "I-I know --he's just such a bully sometimes."

"I know that too honey." He said just before my nurse walked up.

"Wow you guys really went at it in there." She laughed but I just stared.

What did she want?

"It reminded me allot of my dad and I when I was growing up." She reminisced. "What do you mean by that," I questioned in a cold tone.

"Just that I used to argue with my dad allot too... we argued about any and everything no matter the subject, so much so that when I told him I was going to college to become a nurse he put me down for it.. told me that being a nurse would be nothing but a pain and that I'd regret it." looking down to the ground her blonde hair fell into her face. 

"He didn't have faith in what I could do so of course I just had to prove him wrong... it was hard, my classes didn't make sense and I desperately wanted to quit but I was determined to rub his face in my success

It took a bit longer than expected but when I finally did it and became a nurse, my dad looked at me with a genuine smile and told that he knew I would do it if he didn't approve... in the end he was rooting for me all along, just needed to give me motivation." the nurse chuckled.

"See Riah her dad did it with thoughts of her future just like yours." my dad Jason poked at me "yeah but that still didn't fix their fighting." I shrugged.

"Well that took some time but we got through it over time --now we're over that faze in our lives but I still like to think of that moment whenever I doubt myself.... plus I'm sure your father is just scared of the unknown, he'll come around." the nurse encouragingly spoke.


"Any time." She smiled before leaving us be.

Once she was gone I couldn't help but break down in tears, sobbing harshly my dad pulled me into a warm bear hug. "Papa I'm scared." I held him tighter and cried into his chest.

"Honey it's all going to work out, there's no need to cry --I'm here." He spoke and rubbed circles into my back, calming me. "Everything will be okay as long as you put your mind to it and do your best, Mariah."

Slowly my tears began to slow at his soothing words. 

Though my dad Jason didn't let go of me until he was sure I had released every built up emotion. "See all better... now give me a smile." He said in a baby tone making me laugh and push away the large hands that dared to pinch my cheeks.

"I'm not five anymore."

"Well its hard to tell anyone's age when you and your father argue like that." his eyes narrowed into a scolding look "papa he started it!" I pout. "I don't care who started it, all that matters now is that it's ended and you both apologize."

"I know." I nod making my dad Jason smile before placing a kiss on my forehead, "Great now let's go talk to your father and get this forgiveness train going."

"Ugh!" I whine and followed behind him.

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