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// Mariah //

"Sammie slow down before you choke." I demand as she ate her food like it was her last meal "I'll be fi-" Sammie stopped mid sentence and jumped up from the booth onto her feet, once up she ran away from the table and to the bathrooms in the back.

"Sammie!!" I yelled and chased after her, I rushed to the back and into the bathroom, causing some people to give me looks but I ignored them, following the sound of gagging and throwing up I quickly found the stall Sammie was in.

But immediately when I opened the stall Sammie was in my stomach churned and I almost threw up at the sight of her doing it. I hated throw up.

"Ohmigod that's gross... S-Sammie are you okay?" I asked and she whines "ugh, I thought I was finally better but yet I'm still bent over a toilet seat throwing up." Sammie growled.

"Maybe its not the flu, Sam." I suggest as my mind went back to what she said about her having sex, "What do you mean by that?" Sammie turned around "well you said you had sex at a party right." I hint and Sammie's face freezes, pure horror written all over her.

"No I-I can't be." She shook her head furiously.

"But what if you are, I mean did you even use a condom that night?" I ask and she clenches her fist "I don't know!!" She yelled "I barely remember the night." She then whispered, suddenly quiet. Biting my nail I give her a sympathetic look.

But my attention to her was half hearted since I couldn't get my own thoughts out of my head, Did Cameron wear a condom that night?? Did he rush and forget or did he put one on?? I don't know but I couldn't think about my problems right now not when Sammie needed me.

"Sammie you should at least see and make sure." I sit down next to her and rub small circles into her back.

"Your right." Sammie agreed before wiping her mouth and standing, "we should get back to school our lunch break is almost over." Sammie said making me get up as well, "Yeah." I simply said before leading her out of the bathroom and towards my car but as we got closer to my car the more this dizzy feeling rose in my stomach.

It was like the world was spinning so fast but I was moving slow, stopping in my track I lean down against my knees and take some deep breaths, I was getting super lightheaded.

"Riah you okay?" Sammie asks as I catch my breath, "Yeah fine... must've gotten up to quickly or something." I shake off the feeling before going to the driver's side and getting in.

"School here we come." Sammie said in a sarcastic tone making me laugh as I started the car and pulled out of B-Bops parking lot, as I drove down the street we stayed mostly in silence with only the music playing in the background but the silence was ended when Sammie spoke up.

"Do you think it's possible?" She asked "what do you mean?" I ask completely forgetting "me being pregnant.... I mean what will I do, my mom will kill me if I am." She panicked "first off there's no need to worry until it's actually confirmed and if you are I've got you."

"Thanks, Riah your the best." Sammie smiled.

"Your welcome...." I trailed off not sure if I wanted to ask my next question, "Sammie.... Sam who would the father be anyway?" I asked and Sammie turns pale like she's going to be sick again "I can't tell you or you'll be mad." She looked down.

"Sammie I won't be mad I mean what's the worst thing that could happen.... it's not like you had sex with my brother." I shake my head at the silly idea but out of the corner of my eyes I could see her eyes get glossy making me turn quickly towards her.


"Mariah, I was drunk." She pleaded "I DON'T CARE YOU HAD SEX WITH MY BROTHER AND DIDN'T TELL ME!!!" I screamed at her "I didn't mean for it to happen it just did and I wanted to tell you but Gabe knew you would be mad so we hid it from you." Sammie cried.

"YOU LIED TO ME!!!" I slammed my hand down on the wheel, "I protected you." She retorted.

"Sammie what if-" I was cut off by her scream. "MARIAH RED LIGHT!!!" Sammie screamed making my foot slam on the break but I guess I wasn't fast enough because next thing I remember is tires squealing and something smashing forcefully into us.

"Someone call 911!!!" I heard a voice cry before I black out.


// Cam //

"Hey Cam you coming with us to play football!?!" Nash asks "yeah I mean, Mariah hasn't made any plans with me and I don't have anymore classes so sure." I shrug and get into Taylor's car with everyone else, "Alright let's go." Matt pounded on the dash board as he sat in the front.

"Someone's excited about the food we're going to get afterwards." Grayson laughed "shut up I'm not that fat." Matt said in a girly voice before laughing "no your beautiful plump." I tease making everyone in the car laugh, "Anyway let's decide teams while Taylor drives."

Ethan tapped on the seat. "Wait we can't Gabe said that he wanted to come with Caleb." Nash says and I rolled my eyes "when did Caleb get invited to this group and how do I kick him out." I asked and Nash smacked my arm.

"You and Missy aren't even dating anymore so calm down." Taylor said.

"Still whenever Caleb is around so is Missy and I don't have time for her nonsense not after she popped up at my house, hoping to get back together." I rolled my eyes with disgust.

"She showed up at your house!!" Ethan turned towards me, I went to respond when my phone started ringing, I pull it out to see Mariah was calling me, "Oh no... Cam's girlfriend is calling him home." Grayson laughed "shut up." I laughed and answered the phone.

"Hey babe." I smiled until a male voice spoke, "Cameron this is Ma-Mariah's dad Jason." Jason said softly "hi sir.... is there something wrong?" I ask when he makes a crying noise "no it's Mariah...." He suddenly cried "what's happening." Nash asked but I just held up my hand.

"Mariah was in a car crash...."


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