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Thanks J_Snow123, Neyomie_nae, BlackVeilBrides_13 and cearacarson12 for voting and commenting, hope you all like your guys chapter.

- TheMrs_Bae_Dallas

// Mariah //

"Bye dads, I'm going to Sammie's house to study!!" I yell as I quickly jog down the stairs and towards the front door "hold it right there young lady." the sound of my dad Jason's voice rung as his footsteps came closer to where I was at.

Stopping dead in my tracks I turn around to see him behind me "your grounded." He says as if I didn't know "but Papa I have to pass this class." I say with a whine.

"Alright what are you working on?" my dad says as he comes into the walkway "um..... physics?" I lie, my voice slightly giving away my lie. "Okay be back at a reasonable hour." my dad Jason smacks his hands together with a smile.

"Really... thank you." smiling I grab my keys and walk forward almost reaching the outside when my dad's voice calls me back. "Get back in this house, Mariah! Your grounded remember."

"What!!!" I turn around.

"Do you really think we're that dumb?" my dad Jason chuckles "um..." "Mariah you and Sammie are both failing physics, you wouldn't be studying together if you really needed help." my dad says shaking him head, making his short curly brown hair fall.

"So in conclusion go to your room and study you have a make-up test tomorrow."

Groaning I drop my keys and stomp all the way upstairs, "Good luck sweetie." my dad Jason yelled as I reached my bedroom, closing my door I fall onto my bed, I pull out my phone and pull up Cameron's number. I needed to tell him I couldn't make it.

Me: hey can't come dads are being total parents.

I wait for a response for a bit but nothing happened so I eventually got bored and decided to start studying since my dad would probably be up here to check on me sometime soon.


I was just finishing up some late homework assignments when I heard a small tap on my window, then other and then a few more after that.

Sighing I look towards my window, "the one time I try to study." I close my books and put them on my nightstand before I go over to my window and open it. "Hello?" I whisper to whoever was below through rocks at my window.

"Mariah!!" I hear the familiar voice call from below "Cameron." I laugh as I see him come out from under the giant maple tree in my yard with a handful of pebbles.

"Hey I'm gonna come up okay." He says dropping the pebbles "come on up." I open my window wider so he can get in, I wait a few minutes as Cameron climbs the tree and climbs in through the window into my bedroom with me.

Once he was in I closed my window and hugged him.

"What are you doing here spider monkey." I poke him in his chest "I got your test then I was thinking, if she can't come to me, I'll come to her." Cameron smiled with a shrug.

"Your crazy, Dallas." I smile "for you I'd do anything." Cameron grabs my face and gently kisses me, I immediately melt under his touch and pull him closer.

So close that I pull Cameron down onto my bed and roughly kiss his lips while his hands roam my body as our make out session intensifies.

I kiss across his jawline and down to his neck making Cameron moan as I found his sweet spot. "Mariah!!" I suddenly hear my dad call "ohmigod Cameron you have to hide." I pull away from him quickly "is your dad coming up here!?!" His eyes widen.

"Go just go." I push him up, I shove Cameron into my closet and close the doors before changing into some pajamas just as my dad walks into my room.

"Hey daddy." I flatten my shirt down "hey baby girl." He smiles like he just won an Oscar "what did you want??" I question and slink my way over to my bed,  "Oh I don't need anything I just came to say goodnight... me and your Papa are retiring early." my dad shrugged.

"Goodnight, love you." I smile, "tell Papa I said goodnight."

"I will and I love you too baby girl." my dad waved before closing my door, I wait about 10 minutes before letting Cameron out of my closet, well he more like fell out of my closet.

"I should get going." He hummed and brushed his shirt "yeah you should.. goodnight Cameron." I kiss his cheek "goodnight Mariah." He said as he climbs out of the window. "Cameron wait." I stick my head outside making it so we were inches apart.

"Hmm." He looked up at me with hope in his eyes "be safe." I kiss him one last time, of course Cameron didn't listen he just smiled widely before jumping down, shaking my head I close my window again, I lay in my bed and look at my phone to see I had a text from Cameron already.

Cam: sweet dreams beautiful. 


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