Chapter 3

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Maria yn's mom sat beside her pale daughter's bed, who was still unconscious, both of her wrists in a brace and her head covered in band aid.

It was shocking and painful for her to admit that all of this had happened to yn on the first day she moved here but what worried her was how she was going to explain what happened to her.

Of course she couldn't give out the secret of this town and risk her head. Taking a deep breath she covered her face with her hands.

How could she turn out to be the Alpha's mate? It was impossible and unheard of, as far as she knew.

If she knew this was going to happen then she would never have let yn move here because now her poor daughter was in constant risk.

Alphas proved to be very possessive and were never the patient type. When it came to their mates the possessiveness was thousand times more but Alpha Jungkook was a dangerous exception.

He wasn't only extraordinarily strong but also merciless. He had never once spared an unwelcome visitor without an explanation and we all knew that if he had found Yn as a threat he would have killed her, right there. This was the reason why there weren't any humans in this town, its occupants only being werewolves.

Jeon had left the house just as the doctor had arrived, without even a goodbye but a curt nod and a longing look at Yn which made Maria for a split second believe that he might even have a heart.

Maria looked at the time on her daughter's nightstand, which showed two in the morning. Everyone had gone to sleep and both Jake and Yeonjun were a bit giddy after everything had happened and checked on Yn twice but were disappointed and a bit scared when they got no response.

It was shocking how they had bonded with her in such a small amount of time and after tonight vowed to never let any harm on her ,even if that harm be the face of their Alpha, they would stand up to him.

After a few more minutes she hears footsteps approaching her daughter's room and looks up to see Ben on the doorway looking at Yn with regret.

He looks at his wife, who looked like a wreck. Quietly he made his way to stand behind her chair, with his hands on her shoulders.

"Darling, get some rest, you'll need your energy in the morning when she wakes up." He says in a hushed voice and Maria just nods, knowing her husband was right.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a moment." She says softly touching her daughter's wrist brace, and hears. as his footsteps retreat.

Sighing, she gives another look at her daughter and takes a deep breath before leaving the room, making sure the door was wide open so she could hear Yn if she ever called for her.

While Jungkook paced in the underground cell ,clenching and unclenching his fists, looking at the good-for-nothing he had tortured to death, the rogue that had made the mistake to cross Alpha Jeon Jungkook's . He needed to cool off from today's events and when he was given the news of the good-for-nothing he was more than happy to use him as a punching bag.

Realisation had finally dawned upon him that his mate was a human. A weak human yet he still adored her with a passion. But the question still arose, how could this be possible?

Never in centuries, had a werewolf been mated with a human. It was impossible.

This was the very first time he was actually questioning the great Moon Goddess's decision but he was glad that he finally had found his other half.

His wolf was restless and wanted to mate with her but he had to control him, otherwise he would end up mate less, not that he would let that happen but he didn't know how long he could keep him down, any moment he could come out and claim her, killing everyone that came in his path.

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