Chapter 39

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It felt like time had gotten slow as she and Jungkook made their way through the crowd into the house. Strong metallic smell filled their nose and instantly Yn recognized it as blood.

She could faintly hear Jungkook saying something about the living room but her thinking was too out of focus. Jungkook grabbed her arm as he led her hand and Yn realised she had been previously going in the wrong direction.

They entered the living room and Yn's breathing stopped by the sight in front of her.

There was a splatter of blood in front of the wall by which was a body the throat neatly slit opened. Fresh blood was still oozing out of it. Yn instantly recognized the body, it was the cooking lady's.

Yn was about to go to the body but Jungkook's arm wrapped around her waist stopping her. Yn looked at him and saw his eyes fixed at the wall.

Yn followed his gaze and saw a message written in blood.

You have availed the liberty of spending your Christmas with peace,

But on New Year's Eve you all will reek, Of blood, of sweat and Of pain fuelled screams, For I will show none of you mercy Give me what I want and I shall leave Or face the war that approaches next..

Yn stared at the message, her gaze hovering over one specific line, 'Give me what I want and I shall leave'

"What does he even want?" Someone from the crowd said and Yn looked at Jungkook who was still looking at the wall now with rage. Yn turned to the person and smiled sadly at him before tears welled up in her eyes.

"Me." She replied and everyone looked at her. "He wants me." Yn whispered to herself. "Well' he can't have you." Jungkook said sternly.

"We won't let him." She heard Yeonjun's voice from behind and felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and looked that it belonged to Jake.

Yn shrugged their hands off and moved away from every single one of them. She looked at the crowd in front of her, who looked more than determined to fight for her.

"I do not doubt any one of your abilities but I will not let you die for me. Give him what he wants and he'll leave you alone." Yn said bravely although she pretty much knew she was going to kill herself in Yong-guk's presence.

"Hell no!" Yn heard people say and some saying, 'We can't take that m0therfucker down.'

Jungkook howled loudly and he stomped his way to Yn, before pulling her in a hug.

"You are not going anywhere and if anyone in this pack tried to even think of handing her over then I will make sure they die a horrendous death by my hands." Jungkook said, eyeing the crowd and everyone nodded, all down to business.

"We will fight! And we will win!" Jungkook said loudly and the crowd of men and women in front of them hollered.

"What about crippled adults and children?" Yn asked, looking at him. "They'll be safe. We'll evacuate them." He said and Yn shook her head.

"What if-" Yn began to say but Jungkook cut her off and placed his hand on her mouth. "We'll figure something out." He said and Yn nodded.

He then looked at the crowd, Yn had never seen a crowd so excited about fighting.

"We have only a week to prepare. I want everyone on the training ground tomorrow at four in the morning. We have to make sure we are prepared to take that bastard down." Jungkook said and everyone loudly screamed 'Yes Alpha' like soldiers.

"Go get some rest, it's been a long day." He said and Yn looked at them as they bowed towards them.

Soon the living room had gotten empty and only jungkook stood there now with her.

"Come on, let's go to our room." Jungkook said and softly took her hand in his and led her straight to the room locking it behind them as Yn's mind went to a different way to prevent the war.

"Yn, don't try to do anything stupid." He said reading Yn's thoughts and Yn shook her head.

"You guys are not understanding what I mean. People die during a war. It may not be you or me or them, but it could be our relatives, our friends. I can prevent this. You can too. You just need to hand me over to him and then everything will be alright." Yn said and Jungkook shook his head.

"Don't you get it that you're my mate? I'd die and without an Alpha the pack will fall anyway, so why not die trying Yn. I won't hand you over to a person who can't even respect you." Jungkook said bitterly and Yn could see tears filling his eyes.

"I haven't even marked you, If I hand you to him he'll mark as his and I won't be able to live with that Yn." he said as a tear fell from his eye.

He gently grabbed her waist and brought her close to him, hugging her and Yn hugged back. She had never seen him so vulnerable.

"Then, mark me." Yn whispered and Jungkook looked at her in the eyes.

"Yn think through this. What if you don't love me anymore, then you won't be able to get away from me because of the bond." Jungkook said although he wanted to mark her. He had wanted to for so long.

"I'll always love you Kook and maybe Yong-guk might see that I belong by your side and not his." Yn said and he leaned his forehead on hers.

"I love you Yn." Jungkook said and kissed her on the lips before he trailed kisses to her neck.

"I love you too jungkook." Yn said as she felt him graze his teeth on the spot on her neck.

"This might hurt a bit but I promise you'll be okay." Jungkook said as his hold on her got tighter and yn nodded.

"I trust you." She said and she felt him bite down on her neck.

She held in a scream but that wasn't even the painful part; the real pain began when she felt his teeth extending into her neck.

Tears began to smear down her cheeks as she took deep breath trying to tolerate the pain. She held on Jungkook's shirt and she sighed in relief as she felt his teeth coming out of her neck.

"It's okay. You're fine." Jungkook said as he licked the mark on her neck and Yn moaned, still breathing hard.

"Come on, let's tuck you in. Do you want to change into some pyjamas?" Jungkook said and Yn faintly nodded as he carried her to the bed. (No there's no smut for mating)

"You stay here and I'll get you some clothes." He said and yn nodded, her neck hurt like hell as she dazed between conscious and unconsciousness.

Yn heard footsteps approach her and she turned her head towards the source but took a sharp breath because of the pain.

"Here you go. Do you want me to help you? "Jungkook asked her very gently and Yn nodded, there was no way she could have changed into the clothes in this state.

Yn gently lifted her up and undid the zip of her dress. For some Yn felt completely comfortable with him seeing her in her garments.

Jungkook gently stripped her off the dress and quickly but carefully dressed her in one of his oversized shirts. They were huge on her and reached below her knees.

He shifted her and tucked her on her side. He smiled when he heard Yn mumble a thank you.

"Go to sleep, ok. I'll be here when you wake up." He said and saw yn nod and with that she was out like lightning.

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