Chapter 34

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Jungkook walked through packs and packs of trees as he looked for the manor. And the only thing he could think of was that something wasn't right.

He had gone and searched everywhere for Yn and the only place that was now left was the Valentine manor.

He remembered the manor as if it was just yesterday when he was there. It was old, vintage and beautiful. It was all the things he had admired with a friend he had admired but feuds bonded with blood always got the best of everything.

Nothing beautiful ever lived and nothing enthusiastic ever survived. This is the world. This is life.

He remembered every single detail leading to that hidden manor, but yet something wasn't quite right. Not that anything ever was now a day, since Yn was taken but he felt lost.

In order to get through the manor was a kilometre walk through the forest to the clearing where the unmistakable manor was situated but he had been walking for some time now and the forest didn't seem too thin.

He was sure it would thin by now, hell; he should be at the manor by now.

He heard a crack and looked down to see a twig crushed underneath his feet. He looked at the twig in frustration and rubbed his face thoroughly with his hands. The twig was crushed into two.

He continued to walk for another twenty minutes.

"Where the hell is that bloody god damn manor." Jungkook muttered.

He was alone and barely paying enough attention to his surroundings while the rest of his pack did the perimeter check.

He heard the familiar sound of twigs breaking underneath his weight and he looked down at the crushed twig but all of a sudden he was interested in it.

The twig was the same he had stepped on minutes ago with the only difference that the twig which was earlier in two was now broken into four parts.

He grabbed the pieces of the twig with curiosity and examined them carefully. They were the same.

What if......... What if he was in some sort of loop?

It wasn't unheard of yet it was complicated and only can be cast on by warlocks, which were practically the endangered race of the current era, not to mention they were quite expensive providers.

Jungkook turned around and looked at the forest. Before he got an idea and took off the hoodie he was wearing.

He tied it to one of the trees securely and kept his eyes open. If this was a loop then there was some hope that maybe he was getting closer to Yn because otherwise Yong-guk would never use magic to astray him.

Jungkook continued to walk north for quite some time again keeping a close eye on everything.

For some time he had lost hope when suddenly he saw the familiar piece of clothing on the tree leaving him shocked. He was right. It was in fact a loop.

But now the problem was to break the loop.

He took out his cell phone from his back pocket and dialed Yeonjun's number. "Alpha." Yeonjun answered on the first ring. "Get me a warlock."


It was dark when Jungkook spotted the familiar figure walking towards him, dragging a man by his collar.

The man looked in his late twenties or early thirties dressed in a white button down shirt and black jeans. His hair was honey brown and his eyes a piercing blue.

He seemed nothing out of the ordinary. But then Jungkook saw the mark on his left hand. The mark of the arrow, and finally realised this man was the key, this man was the warlock.

"Nice job Yeonjun." Jungkook said, looking at the man.

"Why do you need him anyway?" Yeonjun says as the man looked at Jungkook smugly. Jungkook ignored Yeonjun's question and turned to the man.

"I presume you know me?" Jungkook says and the guy raises his eyebrows cockily.

"How can I not? But the question is Mr-Big- Bad-Alpha why do you need my assistance?" The guy says.

"I need you to remove the loop." Jungkook said down to business.

"How do you even know it is a loop? You werewolves always mistake things quite easily." The guy said and Jungkook smirked.

Jungkook picked a stone from the ground and with his werewolf strength threw it straight in the air watching accelerate into nothingness.

"How is that going to prove anything?" The guy said and Jungkook raised his hand to silence him. He turned around and caught the same stone flying towards him proudly showing it to the warlock.

"Now, cut the questions. Can you do it or not." Jungkook asked. "Yeah, I can do it." He said and nodded.

"What will you need?" "I'll gather my supplies, you get me a vampire." "What do you need a vampire for?" "I'm not an idiot; I know this is a vampire's territory"

Jake and Derek walked clutching their knives tightly.

"I can't believe Jungkook is making us do this." Derek said clutching the syringe containing a bright green liquid which was meant to sedate the vampire.

"Oh, suck it up." Jake said making sure his was securely in his pocket.

"The sooner we do this the sooner Yn gets home. If we're lucky we might even get her before the sun rises tomorrow." Jake adds.

"That is a major 'if' because not to burst your bubble or anything, we are here to kidnap a vampire from the largest coven of vampires in the world. I don't think we'll live to see daylight to be honest with you." Derek says dramatically and Jake rolls his eyes when suddenly they spot a figure.

He quickly grabs Jake and ducks behind a trash can, bringing his finger to his mouth, indicating to him to shut up. They examined their prey carefully.

He was alone, looked 20. He was talking on the phone or more like barking at someone.

"You fucking idiot, I gave you 500 Euros to get me blood hosts not blood bags. I ask you to do one thing and you can't even do that right you brainless fucktard!" He bellowed and Jake looked at the vampire.

"Remember don't shift or they will pick up our scent." Jake whispered and Derek looked at him baffled.

"Then how the hell are we going to get close enough to him?" Derek questioned frantically.

"Just follow my lead." Jake said looking at the angry vampire who ended the call and his back was to them. Making sure the guy hadn't seen him coming from behind the dumpster.

"I see you need blood hosts?" Jake asked and the man turned around looking at him.

"And who might you be , boy?" He said and Jake shrugged and moved to stand in front of the man, angling him so that his back was towards the dumpster. "Who I am does not matter but I can help you with your problem.” Jake said professionally while his other hand motioned for Derek to sneak behind the man, making sure he didn't see it.

"How are you going to get me blood hosts?" The vampire said just as Derek began to sneak up.

"Does it matter really? I'll get you what you want. What type of hosts do you need?" Jake says just as Derek was about to inject the syringe into him the man got a phone call and he turned around to receive his cell phone from his back pocket. His eyes landed on Derek and he looked at him with rage.

"What the hell!?" He said and was about to attack when Jake quickly retrieved the syringe from his pocket and roughly injected it into the pale vampire's neck. The vampire fell to the ground limp.

Derek and Jake looked around breathing hard making sure no one had seen them.

Finally their eyes landed on each other and with that gave each other a high five before tying and gagging the vampire. They were lucky their car was near.

With that they threw the vampire in the boot and drove to their destination.

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