Chapter 31

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Yn moaned which came out muffled because of the gag as she felt throbbing in her head but her eyes refused to open. Her back was stiff as she shook her head and consciousness returned to her. She remembered everything that happened. Every single detail. She tried to touch her forehead but her hands wouldn't move. She tried again and realised that they tied behind her back.

Soon she became aware of the fact that she was tied, gagged and blindfolded on a chair.

She tried to get her hands out of the restraints but the ropes just cut her skin. She had already lost feeling in her feet and now she was losing movement in her hands too.

She didn't as much as make a sound as she continued to struggle, finally shaking her head to get the blindfold off which didn't even move.

She finally threw her head down exhausted and took deep breaths. A migraine was working its way through. She tugged at the ropes again but nothing worked. She began to feel helpless and sobs racked through her body.

"I was wondering when you would give up." A familiar chilling voice said. Yn didn't make a sound but her breathing did quicken.

"Now no need to be scared love." Yong-guk said mockingly and as she heard footsteps approach her she began sobbing.

She tried to say something but her words came out muffled. "What did you say? I didn't hear you." Yong-guk said and Yn sobbed at his mockery.

Soon the blindfold was ripped off of her eyes and Yn blinked rapidly. Her vision was blurry but her eyes landed on the shadow leaning in front of her.

"I was wondering when you were going to wake up. I thought I had killed you before the fun." He said and in a split motion was in front of her causing Yn to scream into the gag.

Yong-guk roughly grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him as she sobbed.

"Now, I am going to untie you and remove this gag from your mouth. A guy will come to give you some clothes and I want you to change into them and freshen up or I swear I'll come and change you myself. Am I clear?" He said sternly and Yn sobbed disgustedly.

"Am I clear?" He repeated again and Yn nodded quickly not wanting to anger him. "Good girl." He said and patted her head like a dog before grabbing the gag and removing it from her mouth.

In a second he ripped the ropes off of her ankle and wrists causing her to massage the red gashes produced.

"This is going to be your room. Get comfy cause you aren't going anywhere for a while." He said and with that slammed the door shut and left.

Yn sat on the chair and covered her face with her hands as she took deep breaths. She felt like a wreck.She tried to get up from the chair but ended up falling because of the pain in her ankles and her shaky legs.

More tears fell down her cheeks as she painfully got up and searched for the light switch. She felt like a death row inmate. The one who never got a fair trial.

She didn't deserve this. She was most probably going to be tortured to death for something she didn't even know. Finally she found the light switch and turned it on. Dim light filled the room and she looked at it.

The room was spacious, consisting only of a king bed, a bookshelf with many books, a small table and the chair to which she was tied to.

The walls were a dark shade of maroon and along with the bed spread.

There were two doors across from each other. One most probably the bathroom and the other that kept her locked in this room even then Yn went and turned the door knob. It was, after all, locked.

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