Chapter 8

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Yn took a deep breath and looked at the forest in front of her. Another gust of wind blew and she heard the rustic sound of swings.

Just then she saw bright yellow eyes in front of her. Approaching her from the shadows of the tree.

Yn didn't move a muscle as a huge coal black wolf came out of the forest beyond her. It looked vicious with its bright yellow eyes and huge size making Yn a bit scared.

It slowly approached her as Yn only stared at it. She wanted to get up and run home but she was petrified of it.

Soon the wolf was only inches away from her and jumps beside her on the bench and Yn tightly closes her eyes. She could feel it's hot breath on her leg and before she knows it is nuzzling his way to her lap and lays his head down on it as soon as she lets go of her hugging position.

Her legs fold underneath the wolf's head and it slowly moans as it nuzzles a bit more.  Cautiously Yn places her hand over its head and strokes its soft fur getting an approval growl from him.

"Your fur is so soft." She mumbles in a daze still stroking the large wolf's fur, no longer scared of it. She took a bit of time to examine its body and she finally realised how huge it was even closer.

Its head was on her lap, while his stomach was sprawled across the big bench, its tail dangling from the other end. She looked down at him and saw him looking up at her.

"You're so big." Yn breathes out and the wolf leans up on its paws and brings its mouth into her neck.

For a moment she thought it was going to bite her, showing its true nature but instead it took a long whiff from her neck before licking it, a canine gesture of affection. Yn wrapped her arms around its neck and pushed it off of her so it was sitting on the ground in front of her.

She got up and it growled.

"I have to get back home. It's late." She says and the wolf looks at her before whining and Yn pats its head.

"Good boy." She says before turning to him and begins walking to the direction of her home, with it following her, keeping a close eye.

She reaches the house and finds her mother standing at the porch with her arms crossed.

"Where were you? You are sick, you need to be in bed." Her mother says as soon as yn is near. "I went out for a walk." She replies. "And you couldn't have told me? Yn you can't just walk out like that." Her mother says and Yn sighs.

"I'm sorry." She replies and her mother nods, taking the girl in for a hug. Her mother looks up and her eyes finally land on the wolf. She looks at him in fear before  turning away and closing the door shut.

She couldn't risk her daughter with him. He was dangerous. But there was nothing she could do.

Jungkook stood in his room at the pack house. Well, it was more like the entire top floor of the grand house hidden in the woods. He paced in the room finally stopping at the window. The cardigan Yn had wrapped around his sister was now wrapped around his knuckles, which he would smell every once in a while, losing himself to the sensation.

He could still taste her sweet skin when he had licked her neck in the park. He wanted to bite her there. But it would have been too dangerous. Marking her without any medical attention could have killed her. She would have bled to death.

He brought the clothed knuckle back to his nose, taking a whiff of it before kissing it and going back to bed.

He was tired. Very tired.

He looked around his room which had crimson dark walls and everything black. From his silk bedspread to the dark lamp above his bed.

All black and dark. Just like him. Dark.

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