Chapter 20

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This black werewolf was in fact jungkook?

The wolf's gaze was intent as he watched her every move.

"N-No." She says, shaking her head as she staggers away from him, cutting her palm on the sharp rock underneath her. Jungkook walked near her and she let out a loud sob.

"S-Stay away from me!" She sobs, not caring about her bloody and bruised hand, trying desperately to get up but failing miserably. The effect of the painkillers had worn off and now she was hurting. Finally she gives up and begins to cry on the ground looking at the dark wolf.

She was going to be dog food.

Jungkook ignores her and continues to come near her and she sobs louder with each step.

"P-please don't hurt me." She says and tries to roll away but jungkook puts his huge paw on her shoulder preventing her.

She looks into his eyes with nothing but fear and begins to thrash while the large wolf gets on top of her trying to lick her face to calm her down but nothing works.

Yn screamed from pain and Jungkook finally realised his mistake and got off nudging her side and she screamed again.

"G-get a-a-away!" She sobbed as she began hyperventilating.

Jungkook's eyes filled with worry as Yn's bloody hands went to her throat. She desperately tried to breathe, to get any source of oxygen into her aching lungs. Jungkook nudged her side and she tried to scream again but nothing came out of her mouth as her eyes rolled back in her head and her body relaxed.

Yn woke up gasping for air. She wasn't a fool to forget the event that happened prior as she scanned the room she was in.

It wasn't hers.

To be honest a room like this didn't even belong in her house. It was too dark.

The walls were crimson whereas everything else that inhabited the room was black. She was lying on a soft bed with silk black sheets and a comforter draped over her.

There was no question on who brought her here but what he wanted to do with her was the real thing on her mind?

Would he kill her?

Tears filled her eyes as she lay back down on the bed and covered her head with the comforter which gave her some feeling of safety. Silent tears fell down her cheeks as she closed her eyes shut letting her thoughts consume her.

Maybe this was a way of death presenting itself to her. But she didn't want to die. She wasn't even eighteen yet. There was so much she hadn't done. She got up from the bed, removing the sheets from her body when she realised she wasn't in her clothes.

Her heart began to pound even louder when she realised that.

Who could have changed her?

She looked down at herself once more and saw she was in a huge shirt and a pair of boxers. Both of them smelt like cologne.

Very strong and familiar cologne. JUNGKOOK.

More tears fell down her cheeks. Maybe he did something to her?

Dizziness took over her so she grabbed the bed post for support and slid down on the floor. Grabbing her head in her hands, sobs began to rack through her petite body.

She sniffled every now and then until she felt tired but even then content to leave this place. She finally gets up from the tears still flowing down her cheeks as she went through the dark room to the door.

No need to think of anything drastic. The front door seemed like an easy idea. She would just need to get out of this room and find her way through the house. If someone stops her she could just ask them the reason for being held hostage.

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