Chapter 37

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Yn woke up with a jolt as soon as she felt the soft mattress underneath her and hands holding her. She began to hyperventilate when she looked at the familiar red and black colours across the room and then at Jungkook's face whose voice seemed muted as he spoke frantically.

Slowly his voice began more audible to her senses; he was frantically calling her name, asking what was wrong.

"What happened, Jungkook?" Yn asked as her breathing evened out and her vision focused along with her hearing senses.

"You were hyperventilating yn-ah. You slept the entire way and I was just lying on the bed and you began to hyperventilate before the back even touched the mattress. What happened? Was it a nightmare or something?" Jungkook asked concerned and Yn felt attracted to him because of this.

He was so caring and she knew this was the real him. Behind that strong, strict, rigid and scary mask he had placed he was a caring person, maybe for selective people, but caring nonetheless. Yn realised she had zoned out and looked at him.

"It wasn't a nightmare. I barely have any dreams, you know." Yn said softly and Jungkook believed her but still didn't let the matter slide.

"Then why did- Did Yong-guk do something to you?" Jungkook asked abruptly as the nuts in his head began to work and Yn remembered all the things Yong-guk did to her. Yn looked down at her lap as Jungkook sat beside her on the bed.

"Yn, please, tell me what he did to you." Jungkook said and cupped Yn's cheek making her look at him. Jungkook's touch was soft and longing, not burning like Yong-guk's or rough. But his question did bring back memories she was trying to suppress. A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked into Jungkook's eyes.

"J-Jungkoo-" Yn began to say but her voice cracked and she looked down as tears flood from her eyes down her cheek.

Jungkook quickly brought in for a hug gently rocking her back and forth before laying down with her on top of him sobbing into his chest as he gently stroked her hair mumbling that he was sorry.

After some time Yn stopped and Jungkook thought she had fallen asleep when she got up and sat across from him.

"He touched me jungkook-" Yn said and covered her hand on her mouth to stop the sob but continued. "-And if you didn't came he would've raped me because in his twisted way he was in love with me." Yn finally finished and began sobbing again.

Jungkook looked at her with pain. This was his fault. This was his entire fault.

"Yn I'm sorry." Jungkook said and Yn shook her head.

"It's not your fault. I'm just weak." She said and roughly wiped the tears. "I don't care what happens next but if he gets me, I'll kill myself before he even has a chance to try anything on me." Yn said daringly and Jungkook looked at her shocked and he reached for her holding her closely to him.

"Don't say that. I promise you Yn, no matter what happens he won't get you, ever. I won't let him come closer to you again, especially for my doings,"Jungkook said.

"Why did you do it anyway? Why did you kill his brother?" yn asked and Jungkook stiffened,

So Yong-guk had told her his side of the story.

Jungkook looked at Yn once and then back at the wall.

"It was quite a tough time for werewolves, well not only werewolves but all the races, but werewolves mostly. We were practically being hunted like stray sheep. It wasn't pretty. My dad was the royal of our court while Yong-guk's brother was the leader of the hunting groups of the vampires. He slaughtered eighteen werewolf infants. The oldest was three months old. When our courts found out, the order was immediately followed to exterminate him. That's where I came in. My dad led the rally and I was the one who was forced to slaughter him. I hated my father for forcing me and my mother even more for not saying a thing for me and Yong-guk were more than just friends, we were brothers. He helped us quite many times but now I think of it, killing his brother was rightful justice. Blood for blood, Yn. The parents of those eighteen infants needed closure and I am proud that I killed a murderer that day for the sake of my people. But I am sorry Yn for all the things he did to you." Jungkook said and Yn didn't say anything though she understood his motives.

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