Chapter 9

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Yn took a deep breath as she slid into the passenger seat of Yeonjun's car . Yeonjun was already seated in the driver's seat and Jake in the back texting away on his cell phone.

She had spent the last three days in bed, doing nothing but thinking of stuff that didn't make sense. Dinners had been awkward with mostly her and her mom alone at home while the guys did whatever.

She blamed the awkwardness to the conversation she and her mom had prior to her going out for a walk without telling her mother, for which she got a pretty good scolding which lasted an hour about how 'dangerous' it was and the 'world isn't a safe place'. But then she was the one who was at home while Yeonjun and Jake did God knows what throughout the night.

Yn had finally let go about that entire stupid dream or whatever it was because it was making her go crazy. If she was going to find out anything it would be with her sanity.

"You seem awfully quiet Yn. Actually you seem a bit off. Everything okay?" Yeonjun asks concentrating on the road, bringing Yn from her trance.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replies not looking him in the eye.

She was never much of a good liar.

"You and Maria seem a bit distant. I was wondering if you want to talk about it." He asks and Yn shakes her head, still looking out of her window. "It's nothing." She replies.

Even though she wanted to talk about it, it was fair enough. They kept her shut off and now they wanted in. It doesn't work like that. At least not with her.

"You know you can tell us anything right?" Jake butts in and Yn looks down at her lap. "You don't tell me anything. These sort of things don't work single sided." She replies finally.

"I don't understand what you are trying to say." He says, sounding confused.

She noticed the car had come to a halt and they were in the parking lot of the school. Nonetheless she raised her head up high facing both of them.

"You guys are gone every night including Ben. No one tells me where you go. I went out for a walk on Monday evening without telling mom and she freaked out when I got home, lecturing me about how dangerous it is, while you guys are gone for so long. I know you guys have secrets and I'm okay with that but for the last couple of days I feel like a liability to all of you. This was the very reason I didn't want to come here. But I am forced to suck it up because my dad is eight feet in the ground rotting away and Sydney is miles from here and I can't do anything until I'm a legal adult. So, you want to keep your secrets and I want to get my life back." Yn replies softly, her eyes already going red from holding the tears.

She didn't let them fall but she could still feel pain inside her heart. She took a deep breath when neither of them said anything and smiled .

"God, we're already late. Come on. Let's get to class." She says examining the parking lot that was full with cars but not a single student in sight.

The weather was still cloudy and not a single ray of sunshine was to be seen. She was happy that she had decided to dress up a bit warmer than usual.

"Yni--" Jake begins to say but she shakes her head.

"Come on. We're already late. I'm sorry for talking to you guys like that. It was very rude of me." She replies and gets out of the Car with the wind hitting her face.

She felt eyes on her but ignored it as Yeonjun and Jake got out making their way to the school entrance, with Yn following.

Suddenly she heard the zing of her cell phone vibrating and she stopped dead in her tracks taking it out.

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