Chapter 27

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Yn looked at Jungkook who looked at her with an unreadable expression, before picking up his fork and continued eating his food.

"Yn, you should finish your food. I think the blood loss is getting to you." Jungkook says and Yn shakes her head looking back at the forest and finds that person leaning against the tree somewhat smirking at her.

"Look he's right there." She said pointing towards the familiar pale guy and Jungkook followed her gaze to find no one.

He uses his vision and scans the forest to find nothing out of the ordinary. Besides, it wasn't like Yong-guk to show up so quickly.

He was too afraid to attack him when he was more vigilant and healthy.

"Yn, you're just being paranoid. If he was this close, we would have sensed him. You can't think that things like him can go undetected in our territory can you?" He says with pride and Yn wanted to reply how the guy had gone by unnoticed in the forest earlier but she was scared that Jungkook would take that as an insult and hurt her.

Jungkook had the best warriors yet he was concerned about Yn. She was most probably just traumatised from the blood loss and was seeing things.

Humans did hallucinate a lot. Poor little fellows.

"Come on. We better finish up and get your stuff before it gets dark." Jungkook says urging Yn to eat who just nodded.

She wanted to argue with him and prove her point but she decided not to anger Jungkook or the guy who was motioning her to stay quiet from the forest.

"I must be seeing things." She said to herself as she grabbed the fork and continued to eat and heard Jungkook say something in confirmation however she decided to take a glance back at the forest but the guy was still there staring at her before he turned into black smoke and quickly disappeared just like the last time after he used her as a juice box.

But something must be wrong right? Jungkook said they would have sensed him but the thing was, they hadn't and she had seen him.

Even in the forest when she and Jungkook were alone, he had failed to acknowledge his presence. That must mean something right? But then why could she see him and no one else.

Yn started to feel dizzy with all this new information as she quickly finished her food. Soon both of them were done and making their way to the front door.

It was getting dark because of the weather and Yn could feel the cold air nipping at her bare legs as she clutched the sweater she was wearing closer to her.

Both of them walked towards the sleek black car which Yn had seen countless of times but a question remained.

"How will you drive through closely packed trees?" Yn asked innocently as Jungkook opened the door for her and she muttered a thank you before he got in.

"You'll see." Is all he says as he puts a car in reverse before turning it facing the trees on the gravel pathway of sorts which lead to the front door of the house.

He turned the gear and started speeding towards the dense forest and Yn looked at the speed metre watching as the arrow went forward.

"What are you doing?" Yn asked her heart beat going out of control as Jungkook intently stared at the forest.

Yn felt this was it. She was going to die. There was no way she would survive the impact if the car collided with the trees which were getting closer and closer by the second.

Yn tried to find a way out but there was none. He wasn't listening to her nor was the car going to stop anytime soon.

"Jungkook please stop the car." Yn said as tears filled her eyes but he didn't bother. "Jungkook please." Yn urged. They were only a few feet away from the dense trees.

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