Chapter Three- Family

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Mikey stayed with Athena until the paramedics rolled May outside to the ambulance. He followed behind them, keeping a good distance so as to not disturb them or make them feel any uneasiness. This was already a tough situation, one that none of them could have ever been prepared for.

A little boy, most definitely Athena's son, ran past his legs calling after his mom.

"Mom, mom! What's wrong with May?" the little boy questioned, tugging at his mom's arm.

Athena turned to face her son and leaned down to his level, resting her hands on his shoulders, "Honey.. Honey... Your sister isn't feeling well okay? I need you to go next door to the Johnson's. Call your father, tell him to meet me at the hospital." She took a deep and shaky breath, "Okay, alright? Can you do that?"

The little boy nodded his head, "Yes."

"Alright lock the door, I have to go and ride with your sister." She responded, lifting up to stand straight watching her son run off towards the house.

Mikey took a step forward, "I'll stay with him.. if that's alright?" He offered, hoping to ease at least a little bit of the weight from the woman's shoulders.

Athena gave a half smile and a simple thanks before climbing into the ambulance to be with her daughter.

Mikey took a deep breath and pulled out his phone to text the Captain of the force that he would be held up on an emergency and for him not to be dispatched to any new calls for a few hours.
His Captain soon got back to him and let him know it was okay and that he had nothing to worry about. The Captain owed him one.

Mikey walked back to Athena's house and found the little boy slightly panicking in the living room, "Hey kid. Let's head over to the neighbor's and get your dad on the phone, alright?"

The boy stood up and nodded, following behind Mikey.


A few hours had passed since they had informed Athena's husband of the incident.

Mikey sat in the living room on the couch with a few action figures in his hand and some other cool children's toy splayed out in front of him. The little boy sat in the floor swinging around some superhero toy he had ultimately said was his all time favorite.

A few moments went by before the boy finally spoke up, "Hey Mister, what's wrong with my sister?"

Mikey took a deep breath, "Well kiddo, just like your mom said, she isn't feeling well but the doctors are going to take good care of her. I know a few of them and they are the best doctors anyone could ever have." He said in a soft reassuring tone.

Just before the boy was going to speak once more, the handle of the door turned and Athena came inside with her husband following behind her. The little boy hopped up to his feet and ran over to his mom, wrapping her in a tight hug. Mikey smiled at them, hoping that everything had gone okay at the hospital.

He stood to his feet and walked towards the door, thinking it was about time for him to head back out. As he reached the front door, he motioned for Athena to follow him. She glanced over at her son who was preoccupied with his father and gladly followed behind Mikey.

Once standing in the driveway next to his car, Mikey turned to face Athena. He rested one of his hands against the hood of the car. "So how did everything go? Is your daughter okay?"

Athena nodded and smacked her lips together, "Thankfully so. You know how the system works though. CPS has to do an evaluation and that could take days. I don't know what I'll do if they take my little girl."

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