Chapter Twenty-Two - Boom.

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Chaos had taken over the city of Los Angeles or was it that of fear that had come of the residents? After the first mail bombing that had occurred, people were now fearful of any strange packages that were placed upon their front steps. More and more calls had come into the dispatch station, most of whom were false reports or suspicions.

Mikey had been working each and every call that came in, making sure to assess each situation accordingly and cautiously until his shift was over that evening.

He made his way home, grabbing his keys from his pockets when he noticed a package on the doorstep to the apartment he shared with El. The emblems, the gold lining, the stickers.. All of it matched up with the last three postage bombings.

He quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, dialling El's number. He waited until she picked up and spoke softly, careful not to panic the woman while she worked.

"Hey Ellie, quick question." He chuckled nervously, "Did you order anything recently? Something kind of small.... maybe?"

"No? Why?" El questioned, confusion laced in her tone.

Mikey sighed, "Nothing, it's fine. Get back to work Slacker." He hung up the phone, not wanting to worry El until there was something to actually worry about.


After the call ended with El and it was confirmed that El had not placed any orders, Mikey knew that this was a hit for him. Mikey called 9-1-1 immediately, not wasting any time as any sudden movements would cause the makeshift bomb to explode.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

"Hi, this is Officer Michael Andrews. I received a package on my doorstep. Same signature as the others from previous bombings."

"Sir, we've gotten several calls-."

Mikey cut the woman off, "I wouldn't be calling if I wasn't sure. My roommate and I do not order things for them to be mailed to us."

"Wait, you said this was Officer Andrews?" The dispatcher questioned.


"We just received a call from Sergeant Grant. She had received a similar packaging." Voices could be heard muffled through the other end of the phone before the woman returned, "Okay sir, help is on the way."

Mikey was nervous hearing that Athena had also received a threatening package. One that could've very much injured one of her children, something Mikey knew Athena would never be able to live down.


The bomb squad finally arrived and had instructed Mikey to get as far away from the scene as possible. He let out a breath of relief, noticing that Athena had rushed over as well.

Seeing as the two of them had both received a package, it meant the bomber had a vendetta. He was holding something against the officers and lawyers.

"So you think you may have figured out who this mystery bomber is yet?" Mikey asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Athena glanced over at him, "We have a pretty good idea. The kid of someone we once put away. Freddie."

"He's mad at us because his father was a wack job that we put away? Mad at us .. for doing our jobs?" Mikey questioned with a scoff, "What a world."

"It comes with the job, honey." Athena paused, "If people had nobody to blame, it'd eat them alive.. So they blame us."


Mikey was back on shift, patrolling the streets as per usual searching for any sign of criminal activity. His radio soon went off, rendering him unable to focus on the road before him.

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