Chapter Thirty-Seven: Let Go of the Fear

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After the quake had swept the ground literally from underneath Mikey's feet, he found himself buried underneath some of the rubble. Lucky enough, he wasn't injured and could stand up to find the two woman he was accompanied by.

"Thena? Thena?" He searched around, picking up large pieces of debris and furniture to try and find his friend. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw what looked like Athena laying underneath what looked to be a bookcase. He quickly ran over, lifting the wood from her body. "Here.. Hey, let's get you out from there."

Athena groaned as the heavy material was lifted from her body and she immediately went to looking around for the owner of the home, "Sylvia. Sylvia, can you hear me?" She called out.

"Here. I'm here." Sylvia called back to her, catching the attention of both officers.

"Are you all right?" Athena asked, looking in the direction of the voice.

"No.." the woman trailed off.

"Me, either. But we're alive." Athena said, looking around at the rubble.

"Now, we just gotta find our way outta here." Mikey said, helping Athena up off the floor leading her over to Sylvia.

"This is why I don't leave the house. Bad things happen." Sylvia said with a shaky voice.

"I'm pretty sure this bad thing happened while we were still inside the house. But guess what? You survived." Mikey said, turning to Sylvia.

"What do we do now?" She asked, concerned.

"Do you have a cell phone?" Athena asked Sylvia.

Sylvia shook her head, "Not in years, don't you?"

"In my patrol car. Lost my radio in the fall. What about you, Mikey? Got anything?" Athena now turned to Mikey.

He shook his head, "No, lost it all."

Athena nods and takes a deep breath, "Okay, okay.. You see that daylight up there? There are gonna be plenty of copters in the sky. Let's just climb out to signal for help."

"I don't think I'm that brave."

"Sylvia, listen, I'm not that brave either. I'm scared out of my mind right now. I've got two kids on the way with a beautiful woman that I am not ready to give up but we don't need you to be brave. We just need you to trust us and put one foot in front of the other. We're gonna get out of here, all of us." Mikey said, looking at Sylvia with a caring and genuine smile.

"You with us?" Athena turns and questions Sylvia, reaching a hand out for her.

"Okay.." She reaches a shaky hand forward, taking Athena's into her own.

They start their climb to the top, hoping to signal for some help. The journey was hard as things kept shifting beneath their feet and Sylvia remained terrified. All that Mikey could think about was the fact that he hadn't seen Maddie in months and at any given second, the ground could shift and they would fall even further down the mountain.

Athena turned to the ones following behind her, "Just a little higher."

"You make it sound so easy." Sylvia muttered under her breath.

Mikey chuckled, "She makes it look that way too."

"I'll be damned." Athena says, noticing her radio only a few inches from her. "Maybe our luck is turning around." She grabs the radio and clicks it on, "Dispatch, this is 727-L30. I'm trapped in an unstable structure in the Hollywood Hills. We got caught in the slide. Do you copy?"

"Copy that, 727- L30. What's your location?" Maddie spoke on the other side."

"Well, it was 1415 Ledgewood Drive. Not sure where we landed."

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