Chapter Twenty-Four: It Comes and Goes in Waves.

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(This chapter mentions some scenes that are sexual in nature. 18+.  Audience: Mature)

It was yet another off day for Mikey, yet it wasnt so dreadful as he had a busy day planned for the hours ahead. It was quite often that Mikey would visit the pier to enjoy the various activities such as the carnival-like games and rides.

With a cotton candy in hand and a smile on his face, Mikey walked the sidewalks greeting each passing person with a short wave. His eyes widened and his smile grew as he caught a glimpse of his best friend alongside Buck and Christopher.

Things had seemed to be heating up for the two of them, something Mikey had known would happen eventually. He rooted for the pair on the sidelines and waited for the day that El and Buck would finally realise what it was they truly felt for each other, maybe it was happening now. One could only dream that their bestfriend finds happiness, right?

Mikey made his way over to the three of them with a smile plastered across his face, "Yo Ellie! Buck! Christopherrrr!" He held out his hand for a high five from Christopher in which he obliged happily.

"Uncle Mikey." Christopher said, looking up at him with a smile.

"What's up little man? Are you having a fun time?" Mikey asked, glancing over at Buck and El.

"Yes, Aunt Ellie and Buck are going to play games with me now."

"That sounds like so much fun. Try to win the big bear, will ya?" Mikey said, standing up to his full height as he moved his attention to El and Buck.

"What are you doing here?" Buck asked with a chuckle, "Didn't work today?"

"Nah, off day." Mikey shrugged, "I thought I was finally escaping this one right here but looks like we always find a way to find each other." He laughed.

El punched him in the arm playfully but a bit rough, knocking his cotton candy from his hand, "You love me."

Mikey looked down at the cotton candy that had fallen to the cement below and his smile curled down into a frown, "My.. cotton.. candy.." He looked up at El and pouted with actual tears in his eyes, "You're evil."

El pulled out a $5 bill from her pocket and handed it to him "Go buy yourself 5 more" She laughed.

"Sugar mommy Ellie" He grinned, "That's why I keep her around" He whispered to Buck who had a look of confusion on his face. "Anyway, I have a couch to get back too, I will see you at home Ellie Bear"


After parting ways with El, Buck, and Christopher, Mikey decided he had enough of the sun and the heat and was ready to go home to his favourite spot, the couch.

He made his way to his truck and sat in the driver's seat. He hadn't yet switched the ignition as he had loads of pictures in his phone that he wanted to send to Maddie of his day. He pulled out his phone and texted Maddie that he was on his way home but panic had begun outside of his truck. He looked up and saw crowds of people running in his direction, past his truck with their screams shaking the windows of each door. His eyes widened as he saw the massive wave that was washing over the pier and down the streets of Los Angeles.

As he began to try and free himself from his truck, his seatbelt was locked in place unable to unlock. No matter how hard he pulled and tugged at the strap, it wouldn't budge.

His truck soon began to wash away as the wave crashed over it. Water filled his seats, leaving only enough room from his waist down. It seemed he had washed on top of something, keeping the water at a good enough level to not drown him but it was slowly rising over time.

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