Chapter Twenty-Three: Pursuit

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A high speed chase had begun to take place on the I-70 Freeway in Los Angeles. Mikey had been close by when the yellow car zoomed past him, followed behind Athena Grant's patrol car. He took off, flipping his sirens on as he chased behind them, increasing his speed to catch up.

"What have we got Thene's?" Mikey radioed through to Athena.

"105 in a 65 mile an hour zone. Passed me about 3 miles back." Athena spoke through the radio.

"Is the suspect male?" Mikey questioned, following in pursuit of the vehicle.

"Suspect was a blur."

"Could you tell if anyone else was in the vehicle?" Mikey asked, stepping on the gas.

"The only way we are gonna see who's in that car is if we get a whole lot closer."


After a few minutes of driving, dispatch was patched through to the radio channel and informed the officers of the fifteen year old behind the wheel of the car, fearing for his life as the gear shift had broken and he was unable to stop.

"You think the kid's telling the truth?" Mikey asked.

"I think children, as a rule, are pathological liars. So who knows? But this one seems pretty scared." Josh spoke, believing that the boy was being honest.

"15 years old, he probably doesn't even have his learner's permit." Athena responded.

"Alright, send me every unit you can spare. We're gonna need to shut down this freeway." Mikey said to Josh, getting him to dispatch as many units as possible to keep civilians safe and out of harm's way.

"I think he's getting tired. We may have even less time than we thought." Athena admitted, worry in her voice.

"Isn't there any other way to stop him?" Mikey furrowed a brow, looking in his rear view mirror at all of the cops behind him.

"He's going too fast for a PIT manoeuvre. We could try spike tips, but if those tires don't hit just right, he could lose control. Flip the car." Athena suggested, leaving their options at close to none.

"The convertible. Um, maybe if he aimed for the strips?" Josh threw in his own suggestion, hoping to find a way to save the kid.

"An inexperienced driver in a car doing triple digits? There's no way he could hit a target that small. But he could probably hit something bigger." Athena sparked an idea and Mikey soon caught on to what she was suggesting.

"Something like a firetruck?" Mikey said, a smirk growing on his face. This was brilliant if it was to actually work.

Everyone was preparing to act out the plan. The 1-1-8 was dispatched, all the roads were shut down, and Mikey and Athena were still in pursuit behind the vehicle in case of extreme emergency.


"Kids on the move. Is everyone in position?" Athena radioed in.

"Bobby, are you ready?" Mikey asked, stepping on his gas leading his car alongside Athena's.

"Getting into position on Woodley Avenue." Bobby radioed back.

"All right, Maddie, we're ready." Athena said, glancing over at Mikey through the window of her car.

Mikey did the same and nodded his head, "Let's do this."

The fire truck pulled out in front of the yellow vehicle keeping up with its increasing speed suddenly it began to slow down and the car's brakes squealed against the asphalt beneath its wheels. The loud crash of the vehicle hitting into the back of the truck echoed through the air and Mikey pulled his car over.

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