Chapter Twenty-Nine: Love's Gonna Get You Killed

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[I probably had so many of you scared that the last chapter was the final chapter. Jokes on you. This is only the beginning of Mikey and Maddie's journey. Glad that so many of you are loving them as much as I am. Now here we go,.. this chapter is a little longer than normal. As a treat for those that were a bit fearful that this story was over.]

After the break up, or whatever it was. Mikey was still confused about it all. He was selfless but usually that was a good quality to have, he wasn't sure why it was such a problem for him to be as selfless as he was. But as per usual, he fell deep into his work taking on more shifts than should be allowed and keeping his mind busy.

He and Athena had gotten a call from the hospital, a woman with a gunshot wound had been admitted and it was up to them to figure out what happened.

"Doctor Callaway, You called in a gunshot wound?" Mikey strutted over to the doctor.

"Sergeant Grant, Sergeant Andrews, good to see you." The doctor said, gripping onto his clipboard as he turned to face the two officers.

Athena tilted her head slightly, resting her hands on her hun belt that wrapped around her waist, "You called in a gunshot wound?"

"Yes. Female, early 50s, came in complaining about headaches and disorientation. Now given the scar tissue, I'm going to estimate this bullet has been there for two maybe three months."

"Wait, this is an old gunshot wound?" Athena questioned as they walked to the patient's room.


Mikey cleared his throat, shaking his head as confusion washed over him, "Why wasn't it reported the day it happened?"

They stood outside of the woman's hospital room and looked through the glass window at her, "Cause that woman didn't even know that she had been shot. Not until today."


Athena and Mikey decided it was time to call in Detective Ramiro. He was experienced enough on this side of the law, he had an outstanding reputation, and Athena and Mikey have both worked alongside Ramiro for a while now. It was just common knowledge that if a crime such as this was committed, Ramiro was the one to call.

Detective Ramiro met up with Athena and Mikey outside of the hospital room that belonged to the woman, Joan, who had been shot.

"So what we've got is a woman who didn't even know that she was shot until she walked into this hospital tonight?" The detective asked, reviewing the medical chart belonging to Joan. "And it's been in her head for what? Three months now?"

"That's what the doc says but she doesn't recall ever being shot. We just have to talk to her and see how much we can get." Mikey muttered, looking over at the detective.

"Alright, well, let's head in there. See what we can figure out." The detective said, allowing for the two officers to walk ahead of him.

Athena opened the door slowly, giving it a little knock before she entered alongside Mikey and Ramiro, "Joan? This is Sergeant Andrews and Detective Ramiro. He needs to ask you some more—"

Joan interjected, "More questions? I really think this has to be a terrible mistake. I promise you, I have never been shot in the head or anywhere else. It feels like something I'd remember don't you think?"

Detective Ramiro nodded his head, "Ma'am we saw the x-rays."

"So did i..and doctor..." She couldn't quite remember his name and furrowed her brows as she tried to.

"Calloway." Mikey muttered, helping her out.

"Yes..Doctor Calloway. He seems like a lovely man but hospitals always make mistakes. I have heard stories about people having the wrong limbs amputated." She continued, resting her hands in her lap.

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